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他的举止很有风度。His deportment is beautiful.

器宇轩昂。One's deportment is dignified.

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如果你有时间,就要去上个仪态班。If you have the time, go for deportment classes.

秘书群的服装仪容及仪态是否符合专业秘书形象?。How is the grooming and deportment of our secretaries?

它得到了力量,但却不具备相应的行为。It has gained strength, but it has not acquired deportment.

这孩子的举止上还有一个特点也要说一说。One peculiarity of the child's deportment remains yet to be told.

羞赧地在你的目光中千娇百媚地重生了自己。Blushed bashfully in yours vision acme of beauty and deportment rebirth own.

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他的智商测试成绩仅仅是平均104的水平,而他的行为举止有时候很糟糕。His IQ test score was merely average at 104, and his deportment was sometimes poor.

然而,VDIM在车辆遇到操控极限之前早已启动,帮助实现流畅的驾驶风范。However, VDIM activates before the threshold to help realize smoother vehicle deportment.

与其在周六游荡一早上,不如参加一场关于仪态举止的研讨会。Instead of loafing around on Saturday morning, go to that seminar on executive deportment.

对职场新人来说,再昂贵的职业套装也遮不住言谈举止中的青涩。On the new workplace, expensive occupation suit nor shelter speech and deportment in green.

党风廉政建设是执政党建设面临的重大课题。Party's deportment and honest government construction are great issue that the party construction faces to.

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异域风采和思古幽情唤起人们享受生活的情趣。The fine deportment of different field and the emotion recalling ancientry arouse the people's living interest.

同时她又受过她那仪态端庄的母亲的许多影响,因此在她的举止当中没有任何惹眼的或令人不堪忍受的粗俗之处。And her mother had imparted enough of her own deportment to prevent any striking or offensive vulgarity of manner.

从她课程的开始到结束,她也能并且设法脱离作为行为典型的申诉对象。She got through her lessons as well as she could, and managed to escape reprimands by being a model of deportment.

江西傩神崇拜与祭祀仪态现状折射出原始生民“人头祭”图腾痕迹。The present situation of Jiangxi god's worship and the sacrificial offering deportment refracts the primitive people "Rentouji" the totem trace.

正是那第三个纽约带给纽约高度秩序化的配置,诗意的风度,对艺术的贡献,以及伟大的成就。It is the third city that is brings New York 's high -strung disposition , its poetical deportment , its dedication to the arts , and its great achievements.

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有一天奉父母之命把男友请回家中吃饭,二位老人家对小张的外表与言谈举止都非常满意。One day of life from their parents to please her boyfriend home for dinner, two elderly appearance of Zhang are very satisfied with the speech and deportment.

不同的是,有的流露于言谈举止、气质神采之中,而有的则化成字里行间的情愫。What is different is that while some express it in speech and deportment , and temperament and demeanor, others turn it into a feeling expressed between the lines.

在法师悲、智、愿、行之力的感召下,龙泉寺僧团从无到有、从小到大成长起来。Responding ot the summoning power of Dharma Master's compassion, wisdom, vow, and deportment , Longuqan's Sangha has grown up from being without to having, from small to large.