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窗户关得严严的,房间里臭气熏天。The window was closed and the stink was overpowering.

白色的装壁板避免了暗红色在这个房间占压倒性优势的局面。White wainscoting keeps this crimson hue from overpowering the room.

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闻到一股垃圾的恶臭,约里斯处长皱了皱鼻子。Captain yolles wrinkled his nose at the overpowering odor of garbage.

我总是被那些不强悍的女人味十足的女人所吸引。I've always been attracted to very feminine women who are not overpowering.

他决心不去同她打招呼,因此认定她没有看见自己。An overpowering reluctance to greet her made him decide that she had not seen him.

那块黑色水晶的邪恶光环散发着无法抵抗的力量以至它撕裂了莫格莱尼的右手。The crystal's evil aura was so overpowering that it mangled Mograine's right hand.

喏,咖啡的气味太浓烈了,甚至都能盖住味道最重的调味品。See, coffee is so overpowering that it can dominate even the strongest of flavorings.

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杂草开著小小的紫色花朵,透出醉人的芳香。The weeds were abloom with tiny purple blossoms and gave forth an overpowering fragrance.

在场的没有一个人愿意吃这个披萨,都怪这让人无法忍受的大蒜味。Not a single person at our table wanted the pizza due to the overpowering smell of garlic.

它们成群遍布于森林的地面击败任何对手,吃掉所有东西。They swarm across the forest floor, overpowering and devouring anything that can't get away.

他说“现在我们是中国大家庭的一份子,我们正处在相互融合的环境之中。”Now that we are part of China," he said, "we are facing a very absorbing, overpowering force.

我想东健的霸气应该是让人倾慕的、却又不拒人于千里之外的、动人的、震撼的一面。His imposing presence is an admirable, touching and stunning side of him, not overpowering at all.

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奎瓦富太太的谦恭,惊讶与千恩万谢实在叫人受不了。The thanks, the humility, the gratitude, the surprise of Mrs. Quiverful had been very overpowering.

汤姆?怀特是一个建筑设计师,过着普通枯燥的中产阶级生活。年近中年,工作并不十分得意。Tom White is at breaking point as an architectural draughtsman , his middle class life overpowering him.

太阳残忍地劈头照射下来,还有一种强烈的无法抵抗的感觉在空中流传。The sun was beating down mercilessly and there was an urge in the air and an overpowering sense of growth.

这一变化提供了一种更加成熟的味道,在没有破坏其他食物风味同时提高了它们的鲜味。This change provided a more mellow flavor which enhanced the taste of other foods without overpowering them.

位于北京西部,境内高山峻岭连绵起伏,气势磅礴。Located at Beijing west, within the boundaries mountain high mountains are rolling, with overpowering momentum.

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布朗的强势作为常使安南相形见绌。He had him replaced with a powerful ally, Mark Malloch Brown, whose overpowering presence often seemed to diminish Annan.

通过对色彩和肌理的运用,表现了在观察者心中对呈压倒之势的工业世界深深植根的感觉。Through the use of colours and the textures, an enrooted feeling of the overpowering industrial world subdues the viewer.

如果你跟某人有一些信誓旦旦的关系,跟这么多人接触会变成一个问题,而这可能会成为你不可抗拒的诱惑。Access to so many people can become an issue if you are in a committed relationship, and become an overpowering temptation.