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其创办人是刘白龙。Its founder was Liu Bailong.

他是大帝国的创立者。He is the founder of the empire.

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创始人是美国著名的逻辑学家J。The founder is famous logician J.

它的创始人是克里斯汀·迪奥。And its founder is Christine Dior.

他是朝鲜的奠基人。He was the founder of North Korea.

这也同样适用于这个创始人。That goes for the founder as well.

亚当•伯斯沃斯,Keas公司创始人兼CEOAdam Bosworth Founder and CEO, Keas

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宠物如喂养不当可得病。A pet may founder if fed improperly.

但他却是新浪微博的创始人。But he is the founder of Sina Weibo.

伊拉克是阿拉伯联盟的创始国。Iraq is a founder of the Arab League.

柏拉图是这间学院的创办人。Plato was the founder of this school.

里奇·德拉诺是竹制纺织品公司的创办者,他自称是第一个用竹子织布的人。Rich Delano is founder of Bamboo Textiles.

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Progress-U有限公司的执行培训员和创建者Executive Coach and Founder of Progress-U Ltd.

我想我最好现在向创建人道歉。I guess I better apologize to the founder now.

用户的权限数据保存在哪里?。Are any default phpBB permissions founder only?

朝鲜则不大可能混到一个共同体创始国的头衔。North Korea is unlikely to be a founder member.

谁是社会主义的奠基人。Who is the founder of the scientific socialism?

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德彪西是印象主义音乐的奠基人。Debussy was the founder of impressionistic music.

受伤的奠基人买了一磅化合物.The wounded founder bought a pound of compound.

Souza是该用户组的创始人与上一届主席。Souza is the group's founder and recent president.