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历史中所记录下来的坦帕湾在六月份最多的闪电次数竟然高达50000次。Tampa Bay once recorded up to 50, 000 flashes in June alone.

纽约队在救援练球区花了好一番力气才击败坦帕湾队。New York beat Tampa Bay with a great effort from the bullpen.

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该网站由坦帕湾时报的编辑和记者负责。It is staffed by editors and reporters at the Tampa Bay Times.

正在此时,农翻开办公室的门,让拉坦进去。At that moment, farming opened her office door, let pull in Tampa.

佛罗里达州警方称,电视台广告员贝利·曼斯在坦帕的家中死亡。Florida police say TV pitchman Billy Mays has died in his Tampa home.

佛罗里达警察称电视广告宣传员比利梅斯已经死在了他在塔帕的家里。Florida police say TV pitchman Billy Mays has died in his Tampa home.

美国佛罗里达中西部一城市,位于坦帕城南部坦帕湾入口。A city of west-central Florida on an inlet of Tampa Bay south of Tampa.

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在坦帕老城,看到有人给树浇冰,估计这树种不耐高温,用这种方式给树木降温吧?In the Old Quarter of Tampa town I saw people threw ice blocks on trees.

裸体之夜每两年举办一次,每次持续活动持续两周,一周在奥兰多,一周在坦帕市。Nude Nite happens twice a year, one weekend in Orlando and one in Tampa.

波特兰机场的分数比第二名坦帕国际机场高出近2分。This was nearly two points higher than second-place Tampa International.

史达并未从横跨坦帕湾的「阳光高架桥」上跳下。Mr. Starr didn't jump from the bridge, the Sunshine Skyway across Tampa Bay.

汉森和她十几岁的儿子留在塔彭斯普林斯的家里,佛罗里达州坦帕附近。Hansen and her teenage son are staying home in Tarpon Springs, Fla., near Tampa.

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去年夏天,夏德去坦帕湾拍摄琵鹭聚居地。Last spring, Shadle headed to Tampa Bay to photograph a spoonbill rookery there.

布兰登美国佛罗里达州中西部一未合并村庄。An unincorporated village of west-central Florida, a residential suburb of Tampa.

汉森和她十几岁的儿子留在塔彭斯普林斯的家里,佛罗里达州坦帕附近。Hansen and her teenage son are staying home in Tarpon Springs, Fla. , near Tampa.

我想去帕坦大学学三年的研究生课程。I am going to the University of Tampa to do a postgraduate course for three years.

但是我中和了一下我的自我意识,打算与来自坦帕市的一个谦虚的小男孩进行联系。But I neutralized my ego in an attempt to connect with a humble little boy from Tampa.

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也把自责分降低到3.99,也把个人生平对光茫队的31场对战,提升到18胜7败。He lowered his ERA to 3.99 and improved to 18-7 in 31 career starts against Tampa Bay.

此外,佛罗里达州的坦帕、杰克逊、密西西比、和孟菲斯也入选最不走运城市。Tampa in Florida, Jackson, Mississippi and Memphis were also among the least lucky cities.

但她丢掉了坦帕医院的工作,她的儿子搬回家住,帮她还房贷。But she lost her job at Tampa General Hospital, and her sons moved in to help pay the debt.