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因此我们就暂称祂为“壹”吧!Hence, we call it "One" tentatively.

我们把会议日期暂定为。The conference is tentatively set for March.

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阿什莫尔女士说,暂且,“我想我还能接受。”“I think I’m fine, ” Ms. Ashmore said, tentatively.

实习期限暂定半年。The term of practice is tentatively fixed at half a year.

之后,我将实验性地策划最终模组。After that, I have the final module tentatively planned out.

已经被暂时命名为。administratium It has been tentatively named administratium.

元素暂时命名为。administratium The element tentatively named administratium.

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这种动物曾被暂时鉴定为是得了皮肤病的狐狸。The animal has been tentatively identified as a fox with mange.

我伸出双手,随后它们试探性地吮吸着我的手指。I extended my hands, and they tentatively suckled at my fingers.

而三部曲的第一部暂定将于2009年上映。The first film is tentatively scheduled to hit theaters in 2009.

目的初步探讨诃子、毛诃子和余甘子在中药和藏药中的关系。To probe tentatively into the relations of Terminalia chebula Retz.

在帕劳,一只通红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau.

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初步分析了基山砂体形成的构造动力学机制。The tectonic dynamic mechanism of Jishan Sand Body is analyzed tentatively.

须在另一家酒店暂时预订适当的房间数。An appropriate number of rooms in another hotel must be tentatively reserved.

最后,医生终于犹豫地沿着走廊走来,在我们面前静静地站定。Finally, he walked tentatively down the hall and stood quietly in front of us.

初步认为云杉纸浆材培育周期为25年。Rotation of picea asperata for pulpwood was tentatively determined as 25 year.

下次部长级会议暂定于2011年5月在柬埔寨召开。The next ministerial meeting is arranged tentatively for May 2011 in Cambodia.

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两个人试探性地伸出手来,在一阵紧张的气氛过后,两只手握在了一起。Both men tentatively reach to shake hands. After a tense beat, they finally do.

首先,石竹属系谱图的分支出现是缓慢而具试探性的。At first, new branches of the carnation family tree appeared slowly and tentatively.

小狗试探性的摇了摇尾巴,伸出粉红色的舌头,舔了舔我的手。He wagged his tail tentatively and his soft pink tongue darted out and licked my hand.