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我们常常用红字表示危险。We often denote danger by red letters.

这是用来表示一个部落社会。It was used to denote a tribal society.

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这些名词意思是短暂的时间间隔。These nouns denote a brief interal of time.

方括号表示数字索引数组。Square brackets denote a numerically indexed array.

银卡,金卡和白金卡标志着不同的财富阶层。Silver, gold and platinum cards denote wealth classes.

盒子旁边的黑球表示船速。The black balls next to the box denote speed of the ship.

在预制厂焊接的焊缝,用“S”表示。Welding seam performed in prefabrication shop denote with "S ".

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有时候人们也用自流含水层这一术语表示承压含水层。Sometime the term artesian is used to denote a confined aquifer.

这个地图上的小记号表示史迹与博物馆。The small symbols on this map denote historic places and museums.

你也能选择在讯息的末端添加一个签名档。In communications, a series of codes to denote the end of a message.

可以看到,表示变量并不需要任何特殊的字符。As you can see, there are no special characters to denote a variable.

这些线表示了依赖于条件的,自这个过程出发的流向。These lines denote a flow out of the process dependent on a condition.

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记录存储被盖上时间戳来指示它上次被修改的时间。The record store is timestamped to denote the last time it was modified.

因此人们吃汤圆来表联盟,家庭和谐与幸福。So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.

教科书通常用符号和两个脚标表示剪应力。Textbooks commonly denote shear stresses by the symbol and two subscripts.

这些名词意指对某些迫近的不吉之事的焦虑。These nouns denote consternation that something untoward may be impending.

服务这一术语已经被业界被用来指代过很多事物了。The term service has been used in the industry to denote a variety of things.

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所以很大程度上函数的名字指明了,或暗示了它们的功能。So it's very much the name of functions that denote or connote their behavior.

用以指示同层级的同一分类学分类单元的两个或多个名称的每一个。Each of two or more names of the same rank used to denote the same taxonomic taxon.

实际气体的绝热节流效应通常用绝热节流系数来表示。Adiabatic throttle coefficient is used to denote adiabatic throttle effect of real gas.