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是无知还是冷漠?Is it ignorance or apathy?

有必要刺激一下他的冷漠。His apathy necessitates stimulation.

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她不满意他的冷淡。She was dissatisfied with his apathy.

微笑能够溶解冷漠,传递温暖。Smile can dissolve apathy and pass warmth.

本人们不应该对贫穷的孩子淡然不顾。We should not show apathy towards the poor children.

冷漠和否定成了主要的应对机制。Apathy and denial become the primary coping mechanisms.

开始的几次会议他们遭遇了很多麻木和冷漠。At the beginning they met with much stupidity and apathy.

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自她丈夫去世后,她一直冷无表情,令孩子们很担心。Her apathy since her husband's death worries her children.

日本年轻人对此特别漠然和迷惘。Young Japanese, in particular, feel apathy and bewilderment.

可在结束争论时使用,或者可用来表示漠不关心,这个词的确令人反感。It can be an all-purpose argument-ender or a signal of apathy.

引起人们冷漠的各种力量都集结在这个问题中。Every force that causes human apathy is combined into this one.

或许万念俱灰只是他情绪波动的一个极端吧。Maybe, his apathy signals he is at the negative extremity of a mood swing.

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因为脸上不只有冷漠还有笑颜,所以我们要学会感恩。Because not only apathy and smiling face, so we should learn to be grateful.

当你正如我们今天发现我们自己那样,落在一锅消极的汤水中,冷漠就是谋杀。When you’re in a negative soup as we find ourselves today, apathy is murder.

低血压可能发生,作为与冷漠和共济失调症状过量的迹象。Hypotension may occur as a symptom of overdose with signs of apathy and ataxia.

如今冷漠的现状预示着人性的失落。The current air of apocalyptic apathy is indicitive of how much humanity has lost.

在国内,卡梅隆和克里格交恶,态度纠结在冷漠与愤怒之间。at home, attitudes towards Cameron and Clegg alternate between apathy and outrage.

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但是,提瓦里说,官方持续的冷漠逼得这些农民自尽。But continuing official apathy has forced the farmers to take their lives, Tiwari said.

横在两者之间的是冷漠和腐败的政府机构。Standing between the two is an administrative machine corroded by apathy and corruption.

让腐败、专制、漠然和伪世俗主义见鬼去!Lets rid it from the evils of corruption, unaccountability, apathy and pseudo secularism.