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我不知道我应该怎样行动。I do not know how I would comport myself.

他的行为与他的职务很不相当。His behavior did not comport with his office.

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他的发言与事实不符。His statement did not comport with the facts.

他的行为与他的地位不相称。His conduct did not comport with his position.

法官举止必须要庄严。A judge should comport himself authoritatively.

我不知道我应该怎样行动。Such actions do not comport with your high status.

他的发言同他一贯的态度极不相称。His remark simply does not comport with his known attitude.

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区域绿化表现出强烈的阶段特征。Regional greening comport strong characteristic of primary stage.

按照法律,我们这样的举动要承担什么样的责任?Do those comport with the laws, the responsibilities that we have?

他们是忠实信徒,询问了他们的信仰本身相称的某些标准。They are faithful followers of a faith that asks that they comport themselves by certain standards.

人们失业之后的举止谈吐会决定未来的求职进展。The way people comport themselves after losing a job can make all the difference in what comes next.

既然你们告诉我们说我们的政府做得还不够,那么从今以后我们将努力做好。Since you told us that our government still did not enough. We will try to comport better since now on.

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微波振荡器是微波系统的核心部件,是雷达、通信、电子对抗和测试等微波系统广泛应用的关键部件。Microwave oscillator is one of key comport components for radar, electronic-wave, communication and measurement fields etc.

不过,我不知道拿了钱以后再治病是否还奏效。我可不想让金钱影响疗效。I am not sure, however, whether payment will comport with the cure, and I would not have the reward interfere with the medicine.

与我们政府的原则或美国环境保持一臻的and naval force which it would comport either with the principles of our Government or the circumstances of the United States to maintain.

弥尔顿声称史诗就是诗人最高的理想抱负,然后他又解释到,史诗诗人该怎样表现自己。Milton claims that epic poetry is the highest ambition for a poet and then he goes on to explain how it is that the epic poet should comport himself.