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最后一个方法是反向枚举。The final method is inverted enumeration.

枚举是下令证件号码。The enumeration is ordered by document number.

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要定义的枚举和枚举文字Enumerations and enumeration literals to define.

第二个方法返回全部差事的枚举。The second returns an enumeration of all the errands.

将列举型别项目显示为十六进位值。Displays the enumeration entry as a hexadecimal value.

然而,扩展枚举有几个优势。However, extending Enumeration has several advantages.

在该解决方案中,枚举字段不会变化。In this solution, the enumeration field is not changed.

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为了提高类型安全性,这也可以是一个枚举。To increase type safety, this could also be an enumeration.

枚举声明存在于不适当的上下文中。An enumeration declaration exists in an inappropriate context.

利用枚举法等离散优化方法,确定最优公路网规划方案。Through the enumeration method, the optimum plan can be found.

作为单独的实体,枚举集并未包含太多的值。As standalone entities, enumeration sets don’t have much value.

枚举值应使用由英语单词组成的名称。Enumeration values should use names consisting of English words.

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枚举形状和结构形状都具有方角。Both enumeration shapes and structure shapes have square corners.

指统计前七天内所有工作的工作时数。Referring to hours of work during the seven days before enumeration.

然而问题在于这种枚举的复杂性防不胜防。The problem, however, is that enumeration can be arbitrarily complex.

本文给出了函数有向图计数式的一个简短证明。In this note we give a short proof of enumeration of functional digraph.

您还需要确定在工具之间使用稳定的列举值。Also ensure that consistent enumeration values are used across the tools.

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如果值不存在,则此用例等效于枚举用例。If values are not present, the case is equivalent to an enumeration case.

本文给出了函数有向图计数式的一个简短证明。In this note we give a short proof of enumeration of functional digraphs.

枚举法只适用于离散变量的优化。Enumeration methods are only applicable to dispersed variable optimization.