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在矿骡的帮助下,人族玩家可以轻易地大量生产机枪兵这个主力DPS单位。With the help of MULEs they can pump out their main DPS units.

裂魂人是一个强大的DPS英雄,作为肉盾的能力有限。Barathrum is a strong DPS hero with limited tanking capabilities.

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现在变成招收暗影输出牧师了!Recruitment is now open for a raiding of the leet shadow dps type.

如果你是一个近战DPS职业,德坦克,或者猎人,你会看到。If you are a melee DPS class, druid tank, or hunter, expect to see.

在科罗加恩的战斗我们建议是两个坦克,六个治疗,然后17个输出职业。We recommend 2 tanks, 6 healers, and 17 DPS for Kologarn progression.

DPS最高的匕首放主手,在主副手中至少要有一把快速匕首。Highest DPS dagger mainhand, have at least one fast dagger in either hand.

它可以提升你的DPS,但缺点在于,分身并不能触发巨力重击。It improves your DPS , but the down side it, your images can't trigger any Bashes.

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对于跑动战来说,比如穆鲁,奥法的伤害应该会高些。On fights with a lot of running around, M'uru maybe, Arcane's dps should be higher.

敏捷性和击共同努力,使人才尽其用,最大限度地提高存款保障计划。Agility and Crit work together to make the best use of the talents and maximize your DPS.

不再有精神,尽管你不会想念精神,因为你不再需要精神来提供法术回蓝。No Spirit. You won't miss Spirit, though, because you won't need it for DPS or mana regen.

真实的DPS是平均武器伤害由你在每秒钟输出的数字提供的。True DPS is average weapon damage divided by the number of seconds over which you apply it.

很多人给DPS发电子邮件想多了解一下高速同步闪光摄影。Many of you have e-mailed DPS wanting to know more about high-speed sync in flash photography.

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为了满足熔融浸债工艺的要求,加入二苯砜来改善PEEK的流动性。To meet the requirement of melt impregnation, DPS is added to improve the flow of PEEK resins.

也有不太多见的是使用为DPS设计的武器来提高仇恨值。It is also not uncommon to keep and use weapons designed for DPS for their superior threat value.

现在花费传奇武器点数来升级TDR与花费在法杖上近战DPS等级升级相同。The legacy point costs to rank up TDR are identical to the costs to rank up melee DPS on staves now.

女巫则是主要为远程输出,也可以扮演辅助的角色。The Enchantress tends to be focused on ranged DPS but can also be specced into a player enhancement role.

一个具有高级DPS的吟游星能够获得buff,释放出了大量的恐惧力量。A Songweaver with the DPS tree of advanced stigmas gets a buff that gives a large amount of fear resistance.

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当坦克的时候他们不会在DPS前列,处于DPS位置时他们和盗贼,战士一样。Not at the top of the DPS list when tanking, when not tanking they should be a lot like rogues and warriors.

为实现最优点控制,需要对分布参数系统状态进行重构。For practical implementation of the optimal point-wise control, knowing the state of the DPS is a prerequisite.

有没有计划看一下平衡德,尤其是月蚀的触发?随机数有时对我们的DPS不利。Q. Any plans on looking at Balance Druids, in particular Eclipse procs? RNG sometimes is detrimental to our DPS.