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摩托车手将车停在了盖恩斯的房子外。The motorcyclist pulls up to Gaines’ house.

那个讨厌的男孩像是咱们隔壁骑摩托车的人。That creepy looking motorcyclist from the next door.

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她也是位机车骑士,爱车为山叶跃马900。She is also a motorcyclist and rides a Yamaha Diversion 900.

这个有运动神经的摩托车手在赛车道路上骑自行车。This motorcyclist who is motorial is cycling in the motordrome.

这名骑摩托车的人已经风驰电掣地骑向贝克街。The motorcyclist had gone like a blue streak toward Baker Street.

那位摩托车手昨晚在医院生命垂危。The motorcyclist was in a critical condition in hospital last night.

在汽车驶离后,一架摩托车停在了这个地点,车手拿着一个追踪装置。After she drives off, a motorcyclist pulls up with a tracking device.

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因此,摩托车骑士戴安全帽是非常必要的。Therefore, it is extremely important for the motorcyclist to wear the helmet.

一名摩托车手试图进入高等法院大楼,但被警察阻止了。A motorcyclist tried to enter the High Court building, but was stopped by police.

7月29日一位骑摩托车的当地人从马来西亚前总理的画像前经过。A motorcyclist rides past portraits of Malaysia's former prime ministers on July 29.

一位骑士六月十二日于英国的摩托车大奖赛压车过弯。A motorcyclist leans his motorbike during the British Grand Prix in Britain on June 12.

我们瞥见了最前面的几辆摩托车,还瞥见了一个摩托车手摔倒在地。We caught a glimpse of the leading motorcycles and of motorcyclist falling down upon the ground.

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突然,那辆卡车开始无规律地左冲右撞,虽然那个骑摩托车的男人奇迹般地躲过了卡车when suddenly the truck swerved erratically. Miraculously the motorcyclist avoided hitting the truck

猛烈碰撞的冲力把船甩下了卡车,并把骑摩托车的男人重重地甩到了地上。The impact of the crash dislodged the boat from the truck, and slammed the motorcyclist to the ground

一个汽车司机撞上了一个骑摩托车的人,骑摩托车的人安然无恙,汽车司机却受了重伤。这是怎么回事?A motorist ran into a motorcyclist, yet the motorcyclist was not hurt while the motorist was badly injured. Why?

该项目的目的是制定和建立的客户端,一个积极进取的数学家和电单车。The project was designed to be elaborated on and built by the client, an enterprising mathematician and motorcyclist.

他的竞选队伍很乐意宣传他从高中退学参加摇滚乐队的那段经历和他对摩托车的热爱。His staff is happy to advertise that he dropped out of high school to play in a rock band, and is an avid motorcyclist.

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一名电单车司机和他驾驶的乘客在巴东帕里亚曼,印度尼西亚,2009年10月3日Patamuan过去村被毁的房屋。A motorcyclist and his passengers drive past destroyed houses at Patamuan village in Padang Pariaman, Indonesia, October 3, 2009.

第27届国际机车骑士夏日大会在葡萄牙南部省份阿尔加维的法鲁举行,有约2万2千名骑士参与今年的大会。A motorcyclist takes part during the 27th International Motorcyclist Summer Rally in Faro in the southern province of Algarve July 19, 2008.

只要有心,汽车驾驶是可以轻易察觉到摩托车骑士的。“我没有发现他”的说法,通常是来自于“不想看到摩托车”的结果。Motorcyclists are not difficult to see if the motorist expects to see them. "I didn't see him, " usually results from not looking for a motorcyclist.