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罗武唯一的朋友便是同年纪的俊浩及宠物猫猫。His only friends are Junho and his cat yeo.

这是他们的一件大事,”Yeo说。It is quite a major thing for them," Yeo said.

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安本资产管理公司投资经理姚鸿耀说,"中石化股价不稳定,因受政府政策影响,即便国家推行了成品油改革机制,我们不清楚还会延续多久.""Sinopec's not stable because of the government policy," Yeo said.

在失去议席的人之中包括新加坡外交部长杨荣文。Among those who lost their seats is Singapore's Foreign Minister George Yeo.

由姐弟组合一起经营的这家甜品店开张已经有差不多三个月了。This shop has been opened for around 3 months by a brother and sister team, Kevin and Celine Yeo.

杨在一次访问中说,推测中国在气候变化方面已经完全背离了协议是一个巨大的错误。Yeo says in an interview it is a great mistake to assume China is "completely off the page" on climate change.

亚健康协会主席杨金治,代表协会呈上谢词与纪念品给永久名誉顾问赵毅副教授。Miss Yeo Kim Tee, President of Suboptimal Health Tuina Association, presenting speech and token of Gratitude to Prof Zhaoyi.

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亚健康协会主席杨金治,代表协会呈上谢词与纪念品给永久名誉顾问赵毅副教授。Miss Yeo Kim Tee, President of Suboptimal Tuina Health Association, presenting speech and token of Gratitude to Prof Zhaoyi.

新加坡外长杨荣文将于明天访问中国,杨洁篪外长将同他举行会谈。Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo is about to visit China tomorrow. Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will host talks with him.

杨荣文同时表示,遵照东盟不干涉成员国内部事务的传统,东盟对缅甸当局的这项决定几乎不能采取任何行动。But, in keeping with ASEAN's history of non-interference in member states' affairs, Yeo also said the group could do little about Burma's decision.

GIS能够整理与显示大量的数据,这是以前没有办法办到的,复制在此的‘杨与赵的文献’就是个例子。It allows large amounts of data to be sorted and displayed in ways not possible before – Yeo and Chow's paper reproduced here is an example of this.

马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。Disciple jui khin yeo of kuching sarawak malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of medicine guru buddha.

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马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。Disciple Jui Khin Yeo of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of Medicine Guru Buddha.

转变是现在完成时,操作和表达适宜由新闻及艺术部长杨荣文准将在今年开始。The transformation is now complete, as aptly summarised and articulated by Minister for Information and the Arts BG George Yeo during the launch this year.

杨杰圣教授凭他深具开创性的技术开发成果,协助巩固了南洋理工大学在科研领域的权威与声望,为此获颁南洋校友成就奖。For enhancing the stature of NTU as a research-intensive university through innovative technologies, Prof Yeo Kiat Seng is presented the Nanyang Alumni Achievement Award.

新加坡外长杨荣文表示,缅甸最近批准了这部宪章,而且很有可能在星期天各国外长举行会议的时候宣布其决定。Singaporean Foreign Minister George Yeo says Burma recently approved the charter and will likely formally announce its decision when regional foreign ministers meet Sunday.

反对党工人党吃惊地发现它得到了阿裕尼选区的5个席位,使执政党人民行动党外交部长杨荣文失去竞选资格。The opposition Workers' Party surprised with its capture of the five-seat constituency at Aljunied, unseating Foreign Minister George Yeo of the ruling People's Action Party in the process.

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贸工部长杨荣文准将最近接受本报访问时说,新中两地近百年来错综复杂的历史联系,到了此时此刻,已经有了一个终结。In a recent interview with Lianhe Zaobao, Trade and Industry Minister BG George Yeo said that the complex historical ties of almost a hundred years between Singapore and China had come to a close.