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可我讨厌八卦新闻。But I hate to tabloid news.

它变成了一份通俗小报They turned it into a tabloid.

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便秘嘛,请服一片药鼠李皮。Costive one tabloid of cascara sagrada.

有些小型报纸迎合低级趣味。Some tabloid newspaper cater to low tastes.

围绕王室成员的蜚短流长是小报的主要内容。Royal gossip is a staple of the tabloid press.

这一案件不仅引起了小报的兴趣。The case interests not just the tabloid press.

但是总有一些很过分的流言蜚语加诸在我身上。But there is more to me than just a tabloid girl.

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一些小报记者出钱购买他的故事。Tabloid journalists have offered money for his story.

这个女人绝对适合我们的小报文化。This woman was absolutely made for our tabloid culture.

他认为小报媒体的行为不太光彩。He believes that the tabloid press has behaved disgracefully.

以后的故事按照最好的小报传统延续下去。The rest of the story follows in the finest tabloid tradition.

几家街头小报抓住这些私下闲话大做文章。A few tabloid newspapers got hold of this under-the-table gossip.

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我们的小报把他们叫做“北京群欧队”。This was, as one of our tabloid newspapers had it, the "Peking Ruck".

那是一份小开报纸,只有八页,印刷得很粗糙。It was tabloid size and had only eight pages, which were badly printed.

八卦小报费尽心思,企图从细枝末节中发现文娱价值。Tabloid gossip derives its entertainment value from subtle suggestions.

更为糟糕的是几家惯于耸人听闻的报纸抓住这些私下闲谈大作文章。Sadly, a few tabloid newspapers got hold of this under-the-table gossip.

多数城市只出版严肃大报,纽约却同时为通俗报刊提供了充满生机的竞技场。Most cities stick to broadsheet, but New York has a lively tabloid arena.

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一家名叫Zhizn的俄罗斯小报公布了一段被泄露出来的拍照期间的视频。Russian tabloid called Zhizn published leaked video taken during the shoot.

今天的老师不属于托利时代的极端分子和小报的神话。Today's teachers are not the ranging extremists of TORY and tabloid mythology.

瑞士小报布利克使它看起来是血从寺庙中喷涌而出。The Swiss tabloid Blick made it look like it was blood pouring from the temple.