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你委婉的作别,乘船离去。Your tactful to leave by boat.

我用得体的语言向他提出了批评。I couched criticism on him in tactful language.

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杜洛埃不够精明,看不出这么做太没有策略了。Drouet was not shrewd enough to see that this was not tactful.

数词习语具有比喻、夸张、委婉、含蓄等特点。The numeral idiom has parable, exaggeration, tactful and reserved etc.

那女子委婉一笑,犹如凭空绽放的花朵。That woman is tactful on smiling, for if flower without foundation bloom.

为了保险起见,提出任何批评或反馈都要机智、有建设性。Play it safe by being tactful and constructive with any feedback or criticism.

如果你被邀请参与到“八卦会”之中,你应该委婉、坚定地回绝。If you are asked to participate in gossip, refuse in a tactful and firm manner.

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你要它必须要得有分寸,而且你对上帝或者天神必须非常圆通。You must want it just enough, and you must be very tactful with God or the gods.

保安部员工应用圆滑而有原则的方式试图阻止争斗。The Security team has to make attempt to stop the fight in a tactful but firm manner.

但是,除非,或者直到孩子们感受到多种压力时,他们才会如我们所期望的那样去学习。But until and unless children are given tactful pressure, they never study as one expects.

另外,在表达批评或不同观点时要表现得得体、有建设性。Moreover, be tactful and constructive when delivering criticism or alternative viewpoints.

他是一个讲究技巧策略的谈判专家,还有在政治和商业中也表现优秀。A Gemini man is a skillful and tactful negotiator and would excel in politics and business.

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在那时期,克利斯图•达斯•帕尔是圆滑的政治家,拉真德拉尔•密特拉则是勇敢的斗士。In those days Kristo Das Pal was the tactful politician, and Rajendrahal Mitra the valiant fighter.

履卦告诉我门,当我门进入未知领域的时候,一定要谨言慎行。Lu is also a reminder that when moving into unfamiliar territory it is wise to tactful and courteous.

通过这些锻炼,我想我自己也许会越来越放得开。Havingtaken various exercises, I would surely be more and more experienced and tactful as time goes on.

美方也表现了----你们不管用什么语言,用什么委婉或含蓄的措辞----也表现了对中国的关切。The US side----despite the way of expression, tactful and implicit----also showed its concern over China.

这是一种圆滑的说法关于”不要赌它一定正确,"过去现在都是如此。It's a tactful way of saying "Don't bet on it, " and they've been saying it a lot over the past day or so.

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苏•威廉姆思索合适的词来形容,他说英国的肉馅饼“又干,又没什么味道”。English meat pies, says William So, groping for a tactful way to phrase this, “are dry and have no flavour”.

胖老板点头哈腰道,希望白衣少年见到杀痕本人后能够知趣放手。The fat owner nods to adore a waist way, wish white dress the youth after seeing kill a scar me can be tactful to let go.

而钢琴总在委婉的抒情,如同女子在月下漫舞,身段婀娜,月影婆娑,意境美的恰到好处。Piano in the tactful lyric, as woman in the moon 's shadow dancer, graceful, dancing, artistic conception beauty be just perfect.