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因此,让我们重新作出承诺,为这一事业而努力。So let us recommit ourselves to this cause.

好了,今天打算要求自己重新新再做点什么呢?So what are you going to recommit to today?

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我们应该重新把这个重大问题提交全体会议加以讨论。We should recommit this important problem to the whole meeting.

在她给公众保证专心于跳水运动后,才得以重新复出。She was reinstated after she made a public pledge to recommit to diving.

因此我们今天谦卑地重新认同我们当初一起开始的重大的工作。So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together.

重新体验一遍对你和你将来的另一半都是很有必要的事情。Recommit to doing the work that is necessary for you and your future partner.

如果你在这种节假日里单身一人,花点时间让自己振作精神、找回以前的联系并且让自己重新感受一下过去吧。If you are single during this holiday season, take time to refresh, reconnect and recommit yourself.

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每一天,重新托付你自己善待这一天全新的你。如果你不善待自己,还有谁会善待你呢?Every day , recommit yourself to being good to the person you are that. If you are not for yourself , who will be?

每一天,重新托付你自己善待这一天全新的你。如果你不善待自己,还有谁会善待你呢?Each day, recommit yourself to being good to the new person you are that day. If you are not for yourself. who will be?

每一天,重新托付你自己善待这一天全新的你。如果你不善待自己,还有谁会善待你呢?Every day , recommit yourself to being good to the new person you are that day . If you are not for yourself , who will be ?

利用这个机会再次承诺这段婚姻,要关注对方的需要,更加体贴彼此。Use the occasion to make a pledge to recommit yourselves to the marriage and be more attentive and aware of each other’s needs.

把所有保持交流畅通,让感情继续的事情重新做一遍。Recommit yourself to doing all of the positive things you did to keep the lines of communication open and the relationships going.

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每一天都保持积极乐观的想法和目标,能让你过上想要并值得拥有的生活!Using each day to recommit yourself to positive thinking and intention will help you create the life you want and that you deserve!

持续至少两周,每天早晨看看“该扔掉的思想”清单。反复决定把它们从你日常思考中剔除。Review your list of mental throwaways every morning for at least two weeks and recommit to eliminating them from your day-to-day thinking.

由于忙于取得谈判进展,预计几家大公司将再次承诺为当地的社会发展计划和基础设施项目提供支持。Amid the negotiating scramble, several big players are expected to recommit to community-development programs and local infrastructure projects.

如果你旧症复发,别灰心,只要向你的伴侣道歉,请求他们的原谅,再让自己回到习惯中去。And if you fall off the wagon, don't despair, just apologize to your partner, ask their forgiveness and recommit yourself to getting back in the habit.

我呼吁美国人民颂扬妇女的成就,并重新坚定决心,为在我国实现性别平等而努力。I call upon the people of the United States to celebrate the achievements of women and recommit ourselves to the goal of gender equality in this country.

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每次我背着你在外面打野食之后,我就放一个空的啤酒罐在纸盒里,警惕我自己不要再犯。Every time I am carrying you on the back to be hit outside wild after feeding, I am with respect to the beer kettle that puts an air in carton, vigilant myself does not want recommit.

值此国际妇女节之际,我们庆祝在追求性别平等的道路上走过的许多里程碑,并重申我们为世界各地的妇女和女童争取权利和机会的决心。On International Women's Day we celebrate the many milestones on the road to gender equality, and recommit ourselves to fight for the rights and opportunities of women and girls around the world.