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这是典型的自闭症便便。It was the classic autism poop.

他所有会做的就是吃喝拉撒睡。All he does is eat, sleep and poop.

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满身都是便便的臭臭鲨鱼皮。It's a dirty sharkskin full of poop.

蜣螂觉得粪便是好东西。To a dung beetle poop smells just fine.

海星是从它们的身体顶端拉臭臭的。Starfish poop from the top of their body.

你会发现笼子下四英尺尽是鸟屎!You'll find poop four feet from the cage!

真正的男人喜欢狗,但他们不会自己清理狗的粪便。Real men like dogs, but do not clean up poop.

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我才不要作唯一的扫把星。I am not going to be the only party poop here.

罗曼怎么知道鲸鱼在海面排便?How does Roman know whales poop at the surface?

环保宠物-狗的行动马桶。不再需要捡便器或拾便器。No more pooper scooper for cleaning up dog poop !

所以只要糖的用量足,臭鱼烂虾都可以摆上桌。You can make dog poop taste good with enough sugar.

从无聊的搞笑到杰西卡·辛普森,这部电影还真是糟粕。From poop jokes to Jessica Simpson, nothing is sacred.

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你想放屁你却不小心在裤子上拉稀了?You try to fart and you get a little poop in your pants?

他们必须使艉楼和综合测试空间站厕所。They must make synthetic poop and test Space Station toilets.

相反,大便的臭味,是人心理的事实。Rather, the stinkiness of poop is a fact about human psychology.

可是真正让我烦恼的是他研究动物的便便。But what really bothers me is that he studies the poop of animals.

我们收集这些粪便,将其冲洗干净,分离出其中的纤维。We collect the poop and rinse it and clean and separate the fibers.

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同时我也奇怪在我进行生素食之前,那些便便都跑到哪里去了?Also makes me wonder where all that poop was going before I was raw.

停住!把绳拴在港口上,用排水管排掉甲板和船尾的水!Avast! Belay the port jib, and scupper the mains'l on the poop deck!

并且即使是好的纯净泉水,鸟和鱼也在里面排便。And even the nice fresh pure spring water? Birds and fish poop in it.