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菲尔·默塞尔从悉尼发回报道。From Sydney, Phil Mercer reports.

“它完全可以炸翻你的锅炉”,默瑟打趣说。"It would just blow up your gas cooker, " Mercer said.

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我们已呼叫过马撒先生了,但是他没有打电话过来。We have paged Mr. Mercer but he didn't pick up the phone.

我下楼后默瑟夫人来了。When I came downstairs again I found Mrs Mercer sitting at the fire.

时我下楼来再次发现坐在火的太太默瑟。When I came downstairs again I found Mrs. Mercer sitting at the fire.

海地首都太子港在生态城市榜单中排在最末。Port-au-Prince in Haiti ranked at the bottom of this table, Mercer said.

默瑟说,缺少可用的冷却水使得这项方案无从谈起。Mercer says a lack of available cooling water could cripple such schemes.

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Mercer说,喝了之后,那学生的血液含酒度达到40.That student had a blood alcohol level of .40 afterward, Dr. Mercer said.

马撒先生吗?有一通您的电话,但是对方恐怕挂断了。Mr. Mercer ?There was a call for you but I'm afraid your party was cut off.

默瑟评估在所有的420个城市的当地生活条件下的全球调查。Mercer evaluates local living conditions in all the 420 cities it surveys worldwide.

MMC同时也是佳达再保险有险公司、德安华、百能投资公司以及美世咨询公司的母公司。MMC also is the parent company of Guy Carpenter, Kroll, Putnam Investments, and Mercer.

“省去了变速箱,也就意味着不需要更换机油了,”通用电气公司的工程师加里·默瑟介绍说。“Get rid of the gearbox, and now you don’t have to change the oil,” says GE engineer Gary Mercer.

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现在他们是基地组织的成员还是其他什么人,我就不知道了。Now whether they were al Qaeda or others, I don't know," Mercer told British television network ITN.

美世咨询公司说,职工费用分摊在过去五年中急剧上升。The Mercer consulting company says employee cost-sharing has risen sharply over the past five years.

但美世也承认,生活质量的高的城市未必就是最激动人心的城市。Still, Mercer acknowledges that cities with a high quality of life are not necessarily the most exciting.

长岛号与他的兄弟艇梅瑟岛号是全金属的多丽丝·帕顿版的阿克伦号与梅肯号。The Long Island, and her sister, the Mercer Island, are enlarged, Metalclad descendants of the Akron and Macon.

根据默瑟人力资源咨询公司公布的调查,莫斯科挤到了第二位,东京则位居第三。Moscow muscles in at second place in the survey, released by Mercer Human Resource Consulting, with Tokyo third.

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自从2005年正式进入中国以来,中国的发布商伙伴创造了令人惊叹的奇迹。Since 2005 since China of make one's bow, hair mercer associate of China created miracle of exclamatory making a person.

美世的顾问说,罗安达排在第一,是因为那里的高档出租房的房租高得吓人。Mercer consultants said the city's top ranking is due to the extreme cost of secure high-end rental accommodations there.

正当露西·默塞尔和肖马托夫夫人急得暴跳如雷的时候,人们从四面八方汇集到这座别墅。People were converging on the cottage from all directions, as Lucy Mercer and Madame Skoumatoff were exploding out of it.