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周六晚上,米兰客场挑战乌迪内斯。Saturday night Milan have the away game at Udine.

我加盟乌迪内斯时只有18岁,他待我就像他的亲儿子。I arrived in Udine aged 18 and he treated me like a son.

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现在我们要去乌迪内,我们要瞄准前三名。Now we go to Udine . We need to look at the first three places.

槽糕的草坪再一次惩罚了我们。A lump of turf punished us again tonight, just like it did in Udine.

“他从来都没有想过离开他热爱的乌迪内斯,”维达尔继续说。"He has never thought about leaving Udine where he loves life, " Vidal continued.

我很开心球迷们希望我做的更好,在乌迪内的那次扑救是我职业生涯里最好的一次。I am pleased the fans want me to do well and my save at Udine was one of the best in my career.

在乌迪内时的确如此,但这里不一样,我自己很清楚。It is true that I always played in Udine , but here it is different and I understood that very well.

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球队表现的有点迟钝。我们要在乌迪内赢球,我们想赢得联赛冠军。The teams ahead of us in the table have slowed down. We will strike at Udine. We want the Champions League.

我害怕乌迪内斯的客场更甚于与罗马的碰撞,因为和强队交手时米兰的表现一向出色。I fear the trip to Udine more than the clash with Roma because Milan have always done well with the big sides.

赛程的安排给了我们一个马上复仇的机会,对阵乌迪内斯的比赛,我们已经万事具备了。The calendar gives us an immediate chance for revenge, in Udine. We have all the resources needed to continue.

清晨,亨利把他的车从长龙似的车队中撤出,越野行驶,企图抄小路赶往乌迪内。At daybreak Henry cut out of the long line and drove across country in an attempt to reach Udine by side roads.

然而据意大利天空体育报道,迪。纳塔莱似乎准备信守自己将在乌迪内斯结束职业生涯的承诺。However, according to Sky Sport Italia it seems as if Di Natale is standing by his promise to end his career in Udine.

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对我来说,最好的生日庆祝方法是在乌迪内的胜利和夺冠竞赛的可能终结。The best for me would be to celebrate this birthday with a victory at Udine and perhaps putting an end to the title rush.

圣西罗,对阵乌迪内斯,里德霍尔姆执教时期的他第一次征战意甲,这是他20年足球生涯的开始。At Udine he made his debut, with Liedholm on the bench. Against Udinese at S. Siro, the party for the 20 years in football.

罗马主教练斯帕莱蒂对这名昔日乌迪内斯的爱将了如指掌,他可能对这名球员未来的选择起到关键的作用。Giallorossi boss Luciano Spalletti knows him well after their time together in Udine and he could play a key role in the player's future.

如果夸利亚雷拉可以加盟尤文图斯的话,他将追寻文琴佐。亚昆塔的足迹,后者在一年前就离开了乌迪内斯,来到了都灵城。If Il Quaglia were to move to Juventus he would follow in the footprints of Vincenzo Iaquinta, who left Udine for Turin just one year ago.

当被问及是继续留在乌迪内,还是去一家大俱乐部时,亚昆塔对于未来自己也不确定。Vincenzo Iaquinta spoke about his future and when asked whether he will remain at Udine or leave for a big club, he said that he was still unsure.

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风湿性关节炎中B细胞的病理作用存在争议,不过目前人们相信其作用是轻微的。"The pathogenetic role of B cells in RA is under debate, but it is currently believed to be marginal, " write Salvatore De Vita , MD, and colleagues from the University of Udine in Italy.

不过,球队在下半赛季取得了巨大的进步,在锡耶纳,雷吉奥。卡拉布里亚,巴勒莫和乌迪内都获得胜利,终于反超国际占据联赛第二。However, the second half of the campaign has seen a vast improvement, with wins at Siena, Reggio Calabria, Palermo and Udine which have gone a long way to securing second place ahead of Inter.