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双体船和计划管理,由AARP赞同。The Program is administered by Catamaran and endorsed by AARP.

但是美国退休人员协会表示,他们很高兴政府在改革中没有设定处罚。But the AARP was pleased the administration opted not to feeze in the change.

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美国退休协会发现家庭成员每周要花平均20小时照顾家人。The AARP study finds that family members spend an average 20 hours a week providing care.

如今的社保收益者和他们的有力的退休人员协会游说,代表一股强大的政治力量。Today's recipients of Social Security, along with their powerful AARP lobby, represent a powerful political force.

由那个标准,AARP可能非常有实力,只因为它与白宫在重组社会保障问题上的激烈争斗。By that standard, AARP may be outmuscled only by the White House in the slugfest over restructuring Social Security.

丹尼斯日后在杂志上撰文说,此举使他消除了恐惧,也让他学到了一堂有关冒险和恐惧的功课。Writing in AARP Magazine, Boyles explained how that took away the terror. It also taught him a lesson about risk and fear.

这位“改变者”有没有胆量和能力维护他自己政党内下列人群的利益——出庭律师、教师协会、退休人员协会?Does The Changemaker have the guts to take on the special interests in his own party — the trial lawyers, the teachers' unions, the AARP?

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美国退休人员协会的短期生活保险可以通过购买美国退休人员协会网站,以支付保险期的最后一个指定的费用由高龄。AARP short-term life insurance can be purchased by senior citizens through the AARP Web site to cover final expenses for a specified coverage period.

在美国,这一制度的发展较为缓慢——美国退休人员协会2009年的一项调查显示,美国只有不到三分之一的员工在享受弹性工作时间。S., the phenomenon is a bit slower to catch on—fewer than a third of U.S. employees have flexible work options, according to 2009 estimates from the AARP.

如今现代化的药物可以使人们调理慢性病几十年。但是美国退休协会的研究发现对于家庭照料者来说需要进行日益复杂的程序。Modern medicine now allows people to manage chronic conditions for decades. But the AARP study finds that increasingly complicated procedures are routinely expected of family caregivers.