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为了让她安心,你可以说,To reassure her, you can say,

那并非让每个人都放心。That will not reassure everyone.

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Vera努力叫我放心,但没有用。Vera tried to reassure me, but it didn't help.

有关那一点,请您尽管放心好了。Let me reassure you that it's standard practice.

仍然,业绩没能使投资者解除疑虑。Still, the results failed to reassure investors.

我可以放心的告诉你,我喜欢做单词爱好者。Let me reassure you that I like doing podictionary.

你说这句话是想让我觉着踏实吗,马西米兰?You think to reassure me when you say that, Maximilian.

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电文称麦考密克试图安抚中国。The cables show McCormick trying to reassure the Chinese.

萨科齐的声明将使2280名员工消除疑虑,去年,船坞已经经历了一个终止订单,这也使得临时工失去了工作。Sarkozy’s statement will reassure the firm’s 2,280 employees.

这似乎使他放心一点,于是他更有信心地继续说了下去。This seemed to reassure him and he continued more confidently.

你是否试图分散豪啕大哭男孩子的注意力而安慰哭泣的女孩使她们心情舒畅呢?Do you attempt to distract crying boys but reassure crying girls?

经理试图使她解除疑虑,她是不会失去工作的。The manager tried to reassure her that she will not lose her job.

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抛开玩笑,我襄蜇申今晚我的确是受邀而来的。Joking aside I want to reassure you that I am invited here tonight.

总统祖玛必须抓住他的早期机会去消除所有的顾虑。President Zuma must grab his early chances to reassure the worriers.

那些掌权者开始关注如何消除公众的恐惧。Those in power became concerned with how to reassure the population.

次日,范请云入城安民。The next day, Fan called Zilong into the city to reassure the people.

尼克克莱格试图消除公众的疑虑,证明这一切并非背叛。And Nick Clegg tried to reassure the public that this was no sell-out.

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我看见她痛苦的脸靠在栏杆上,我朝她笑笑,让她放心。I saw her agonized face over the parapet , and smiled to reassure her.

邓根要物色这样一个人,他保守到足以使国会放心。Dungan was looking for someone conservative enough to reassure Congress.

柯帕乌天赋的理财才能在这时候却不能再鼓舞斯坦纳的信心。Cowperwood's innate financial ability did not reassure Stener in this hour.