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如一朵小花放牧艳红!Grazing red such as a flower!

多棒的一次贴地射门啊!What an amazing grazing shot!

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牛在野外吃草。Cows were grazing in the field.

一只羊在树下吃草。A sheep is grazing under the tree.

一只羊在草地上吃草。A sheep was grazing in the meadow.

有牛在草场上吃草。Cattle are grazing on the pasture.

几只羊在草地上吃草。Some sheep were grazing in the meadow.

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一只独眼母鹿正在河边吃草。A one-eyed doe was grazing near the river.

牛在村中公地上吃草。Cattle were grazing on the village common.

羊通常在草地吃草。Flocks of sheep are grazing in the meadow.

这一问题的关键在与如何看待放牧管理。The key is how grazing animals are managed.

放牧牲口同样伤害草原。Grazing livestock destroy grassland as well.

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我看见一群鹿在草原上吃草。I saw a herd of deers grazing in the prairie.

马群正在田野�静静地吃草。The horses were grazing quietly in the field.

我们在吃草,羊在旁边的地里。We are grazing , the sheep in the next field.

下周我们将更多地探讨轮牧。We willtalkmore rotational grazing next week.

我是担心你打扰我的羊吃草。I am worried you may disturb my grazing sheep.

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一只小羊在啮草时猛然感到的多汁。A grazing lamb sensed it in terms of juiciness.

但是很多男人并没结束自己左顾右盼的心理和行为。However, So many men do not stop grazing round.

在田地上,成群的马和牛只正在吃草。There are horses and cows grazing in the field.