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这位小提琴家的弓法极好。The violinist's bowing is excellent.

在和我说话的时候,他们不停地鞠躬。They kept bowing when speaking to me.

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提姆和丹妮丝走向保龄球道。Tim and Denise go to the bowing alley.

这位大提琴手的手法非常敏捷。The cellist's bowing was very sensitive.

猫头鹰弯着肘在碗中播种。Bowing its elbow, the owl sows in the bowl.

他那打躬作揖的样子令人作呕。All his bowing and scraping makes people sick.

他们在其他的时候所拜的是巴力。But, for the rest of the week, they were bowing.

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所有那些低三下四的话并没有打动他。All that bowing and scraping did not impress him.

低头向女士问候在现在是个荒废的习惯了。Bowing to greet al ady is now an obsolete custom.

女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。The actress was bowing her thanks again and again.

当国王和王后进来时他们屈膝致敬。They were bowing as the king and queen walking in.

另外一种“弓形骨折”。Still another condition is called a bowing fracture.

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万寿台上,向金日成铜像鞠躬的人们。People bowing to Mansudae Grand Monument, Mansu Hill.

“你应该90度鞠躬道歉,”他说。“You should be bowing your head in apology,” he said.

你的弓法在那时应该是用下弓Your bowing pattern is probably backward at that point.

大圣石猴是也,故此地名猴鞠岩!It is Monkey King, thus this cliff called Bowing Monkey.

这些鼠辈早就在祈祷了,而且对我的产品垂暮已久。The rats are already praying and bowing before my product.

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我向他鞠躬,希望他也能是乘单人小艇人的保护神。Bowing before him, I hope he is the saint of kayakers, too.

拜,是最简单不过,最枯燥不过的机械运动。Bowing is the simplest and most boring mechanical movement.

当然,还有一种情况叫弓形骨折。Still another condition is called a boning bowing fracture.