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当然,我把它从陈列柜里拿出来,给您。Let me take it out of the showcase.

您觉得陈列柜里面的那几双怎么样?。How do you like these in the showcase?

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Erma先生的学校被定为师范性校园。Mr. Erma's school is a showcase campus.

蝶变沙发,一个展示现代人的生活的舞台。Butterfly sofa, a showcase modern life stage.

我们试图展示这这些最新的实验。We try to showcase these late-breaking trials.

今天我们带来了阴影摄影的展示。Today we offer a showcase of shadow photography.

运动衣制造商没有比这更好的展示橱窗了。Sportswear manufacturers have no better showcase.

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这地方常常是当地政府展示其成就的陈列馆。The place is the showcase of the local government.

一年前,义乌市是蓬勃发展的中国的一个窗口。A year ago, Yiwu was a showcase for a booming China.

他站在了商店入口处,一个镶有玻璃门的展示柜旁。He stood near a glass showcase by the store entrance.

紧身的裤子或裙子会暴露出演讲者在颤抖。Tight pants or a skirt will just showcase the tremors.

最后一部分简直就是一个关于好的设计的陈列橱。The final section is simply a showcase for good design.

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我们今天的展示以夏季摄影为主题。Our today’s showcase is dedicated to summer photography.

他们充分展示了该车的敏捷和智能性。They showcase the swiftness and intelligence of the car.

做一份网络公文包来展示你的工作或才能。Start an online portfolio to showcase your work or talents.

在现在的洋基里,这个舞台是为了火箭人表演而设立。In New York fashion, the stage was set for a Rocket showcase.

而2010年的冬奥会则向世界展示了这座城市。The 2010 Winter Olympics helped showcase the city to the world.

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但对我来说,建筑本身就是参观那里的真正主要的陈列。but the building itself to me is the real showcase of that visit.

或者,要是你喜欢陶艺,就在房间里摆上你的作品。Or, if you enjoy pottery, showcase your creations in your apartment.

这些对展示性学的多样性都十分不利。All of which fails to really showcase the true diversity of sexology.