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我是一个政治现实主义者。I am a political realist.

但是吉尔丁坚持认为自己是个现实主义者。Gilding insists he is a realist.

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他就是那种死硬派的现实主义者。He is that kind of hard-boiled realist.

我知道我永远是个现实主义者。I know that I shall always be a realist.

你是哪一种?乐观主义者还是现实主义者?Which are you – an optimist or a realist?

这就是现实主义论点倒塌的地方。This is where the realist argument collapses.

因此我觉得还是说我是个现实主义者为好。So I think it is just best to say I'm a realist.

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听起来像是乌托邦?基尔丁坚持说他是一个现实主义者。Sounds utopian? Gilding insists he is a realist.

投资未来之人是真正的现实主义者。Peple who invest the future are the ture realist.

现实主义者将会绝望,这是可以理解的。It is understandable that a realist would despair.

还没有哪一件伟大的事物是现实主义者完成的。Nothing great has ever been achieved by a realist.

“这个画家画得太贴近生活了!”他惊奇地说道。"What a great realist that painter is! " he exclaimed.

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关于这些对象,人们是向该采取实在论的立场,还是反实在论的立场呢?Should one be a realist or an anti-realist about such objects?

相反针对意识和精神尼采则是一名“现实主义者Nietzsche by contrast is a realist about consciousness and mind.

他还想要成为一个自上而下的现实主义者,能够在王宫里达成政治交易。He also wants be a top-down realist who cuts deals in the palaces.

也可以说,本文企图从知识理论的现实主义来谈班雅明。In a way, Benjamin's work is analogous to a realist theory of knowledge.

刘易斯是一个浪漫的在许多方面,以及资优讽刺作家和现实主义者。Lewis was a romantic in many ways as well as a gifted satirist and realist.

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这种写实抽象的方法,谭天称其为“宏远”。This method of "Realist Abstraction", was named by Tan Tian as "Macro-Far".

其中第一篇小说「夜晚海洋之旅」在许多层面上都可视为是一篇后现代戏拟。First, it is a parody of one kind of Realist Novel, the apprenticeship novel.

冷静的现实主义者啊,试着脱离幻觉以及整个人类所做的贡献吧。Try taking away the phantasm and the entire human contribution you sober realist.