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她的皮草外套。Her fur coat.

他的毛是白色的。His fur is white.

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你会穿着皮毛衣服滑冰吗?Do you skate in fur?

退开,死毛球!Stay back, fur balls.

我同意王先生。Ich bin für Herr Wang.

您的业余爱好是什么?Was hast du für Hobbys?

人造毛皮镶边的按钮关闭。Button off faux fur trim.

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她抚摩着猫的柔毛。She stroked the cat's fur.

那只猫的毛又软又白。That cat has soft white fur.

水貂的毛皮,价格昂贵。The expensive fur of a mink.

我们的猫的毛皮又黑又亮。Our cat has glossy black fur.

终于让我抚弄她的毛毛。Finally let me stroke her fur.

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这毛皮有如天鹅绒般软滑。The fur was as soft as velvet.

猫有一身细软的毛皮。Cats are covered with soft fur.

那件迷嬉式的貂皮大衣要多少钱?How much is this maxi fur coat?

你戴这顶皮帽子真漂亮。This fur cap looks good on you.

他穿了一件皮毛里子的大衣。He had on a coat lined with fur.

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可拆卸人造毛皮装饰罩。Removable faux fur trim on hood.

她穿着一件昂贵的皮衣。She is wearing an expensive fur.

嗯,雪象我的皮毛一样是白色的。Uhmm, snow is white like my fur.