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这是本笃十六世第一次以教皇的身份访问法国。This is Benedict's first trip to France as pontiff.

教皇正在其夏宫向朝圣者布教。The pontiff was speaking to pilgrims at his summer palace.

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在演说中,教皇集中批评现代唯物主义的弊病。In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism.

届时教宗若望保禄二世或将参加这次会议。At that time, the pontiff , Pope John Paul II may attend the meeting.

这位年届83岁的教宗,在此过程中两次停下,赐福那些高高举到自己面前的婴孩。The 83-year-old pontiff stopped twice to bless babies held up to him.

当教皇坐驾抵临时,数以万计的人振臂欢呼。Thousands cheered and waved as the pontiff entered in his popemobile.

当罗马教皇到来的时候,他乘坐他的专车环绕拥挤的运动场一圈。On his arrival, the pontiff circled the packed stadium in his pope mobile.

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相较于宗教领袖,教宗的话听起来更像一个西方政客。The pontiff sounded more like a Western politician than a religious leader.

教皇到达后,乘坐其座驾环绕满是人群的体育场。On his arrival, the pontiff circled the park packed stadium in his popemobile.

进入敞蓬的“教皇之车”后,主教环柱廊而行。After entering the open "popemobile", the pontiff was riding around the colonnade.

教宗在罗马的约翰拉特兰大教堂举行了一个洗脚仪式。The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome.

在最近几年里,该唱片公司制作了若干张由知名演员吟诵的诗歌唱片,这些诗文均是已故教皇保罗二世的作品。The label has in past years produced CDs of famous actors reciting poems composed by the late pontiff.

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星期三是他81岁的生日,而星期六是他担任教皇的第三年纪念。His 81st birthday is Wednesday and Saturday will mark the third anniversary of his election as pontiff.

教皇说,他很难理解神父怎么能够背叛他们对儿童的使命。The pontiff says it is difficult for him to understand how priests could betray their mission to children.

本笃十六世访问英国引发的反响显示出罗马教宗在现今所产生的既对立却又持久的影响力。The reaction to Benedict XVI's UK visit demonstrates the divisive but enduring impact of the pontiff today.

83岁的教皇有两次在一万多名拥挤的人群中停下来,为朝拜者怀抱的孩子祈福。The 83-year-old pontiff stopped twice to bless babies held up by worshippers among the 10, 000-strong crowd.

教皇还用西班牙语发表了他的演说,指出现在美国天主教徒的人数在日益增长。The pontiff also delivered comments in Spanish, recognizing a growing Catholic population in the United States.

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这位二战时期的罗马教宗,因某些历史原因未能声明反对大屠杀而遭到控诉。The Pontiff during World War II, he is accused by some historians of failing to speak out against the Holocaust.

在最近几年里,该唱片公司制作了若干张由知名演员吟诵的诗歌唱片,这些诗文均是已故教皇保罗二世的作品。The label has in past years produced CDs of famous actors reciting poems composed by the late pontiff.Now, the Rev.

教皇之前在傍晚出现在他房间的窗边,短短一会儿,点上了一盏传递着宁静与和平的烛灯。The pontiff earlier appeared briefly at nightfall at the window of his studio to light a candle in a sign of peace.