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这是一类与神经痛和后发性疱疹性疼痛。This is a relatively new drug for neuropathic and post-herpetic pain.

加巴喷丁作用于蓝斑核可减轻神经性疼痛。Gabapentin Acts within the Locus Coeruleus to Alleviate Neuropathic Pain.

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研究发现,A型肉毒毒素可能在治疗神经病理性疼痛方面极具前景。These findings suggest that BTX-A is a promising new approach for neuropathic pain.

华金斯利用大鼠实验证明,纳洛酮可治疗神经病理性疼痛。Watkins has demonstrated in rats that naloxone can reverse fully developed neuropathic pain.

作者就糖尿病足神经性溃疡外科治疗研究进展进行综述。The progresses in surgical treatment of neuropathic ulcerations of the diabetic foot is reviewed in this paper.

作者就糖尿病足神经性溃疡外科治疗的研究进展综述如下。The progresses in surgical treatment of neuropathic ulcerations of the diabetic foot is re-viewed in this paper.

然而,近来有大量的研究证实脊髓小胶质细胞的激活在神经病理性疼痛的发生发展中起着重要的作用。However, the fact that activation of spinal microglia plays significant roles in neuropathic pain has been evidenced by studies.

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在痉挛、神经性疼痛和最终的ASIA评分之间无明显相关性。No significant correlation was found between or among the presence of spasticity, neuropathic pain, and ASIA score at final visit.

神经影像数据库由影像基本知识数据集、脑断层影像解剖数据集和神经疾病影像数据集三大部分组成。The database is composed of three data volumes about basic knowledge for images, cranial sectional anatomy and neuropathic images.

神经痛的病因和治疗在疼痛性周围神经病患者处理中是最关键的。Etiology and treatment of neuropathic pain in the primary focus of management for many patients with painful peripheral neuropathy.

一种相关的神经靶向给药系统载体NG2在临床前动物试验中被证实可以降低神经损害和糖尿病引起的神经性疼痛。A related NTDDS vector, NG2 reduces pain-related behaviors in preclinical models of neuropathic pain from nerve injury and diabetes.

本文就目前研究较多的几种钠通道亚单位的可塑性与神经性疼痛的关系作一综述。This review focuses on the relationship between the plasticity of voltage-gated sodium channel subunits and neuropathic pain states.

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因此,阻断N型钙通道可以产生镇痛作用,特别是慢性疼痛和神经病理性疼痛。Thus, the selective blockage of the Ntype channels can produce powerful analgesic effect, especially for chronic and neuropathic pain.

加巴喷丁对神经性疼痛疗效确切,因此可能对腰椎管狭窄症症状缓解有效。Gabapentin, which has been used in the treatment of neuropathic pain, may be effective in the treatment of symptoms associated with LSS.

有时,神经甚至让人有幻肢感——即,接受截肢的人感觉他们被截的手或腿有神经疼痛感。Sometimes they even send it when there's no body part—phantom limb pain, which amputees feel in their missing arms or legs, is neuropathic.

但是除了一些遗传情况,没有其他证据说明基因因素参与了人类患神经源性疼痛的风险度。But except for some rare inherited conditions, there has been no evidence that genetics contributed to the risk of neuropathic pain in humans.

抗抑郁和抗惊厥药物是治疗神经痛的一线药物。Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are the two pharmacological classes which represent first-line agents in the management of neuropathic pain.

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此外,证明突变小鼠比正常小鼠在人类常见的两种疼痛即炎症性疼痛和神经性疼痛方面更敏感。Further, the mutant mice proved more sensitive than normal mice to inflammatory pain and neuropathic pain, two common forms of chronic pain in humans.

随后的评论则表示这个研究结果与过去所认为神经病变所引起的疼痛对鸦片类药物具有抗性的说法相反。An editorialist puts this into perspective, suggesting that this adds to the evidence countering the opinion that neuropathic pain is opioid-resistant.

神经病理性疼痛是慢性疼痛中的研究热点,其产生机制复杂,治疗方法虽多,但尚未有适用于各种类型神经病理性疼痛的疗法。Neuropathic pain is an intractable chronic pain. The efficacy of sodium channel inhibitor for treating these pain has been researched during the past decade.