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我喜懽现在的自己,我怀念过去的我们。I like to present myself, I miss our quondam.

这些显赫一时的中国统治者们在国外的声誉很坏。These quondam rulers of China have had a bad reputation abroad.

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苏海洋,别这样好不好?一切都会过去的。Su's sea don't be like this no very good?Everythings will be quondam.

那种感觉似乎比以前还要玄妙一点。That the felling seem to be more even a mini bit extra exquisite than quondam.

喝了一杯开水,我便躺到床上沉沉的睡了过去。Drank one glass boiled water, I then arrange to deeply slept in the mattress quondam.

在上海南京路上散步,访客看到的都是照明很差的房子和小店铺。A promenade down Shanghai's Nanjing Road took a guest quondam ill-lit tenements and microscopic shops.

虽然她常常说我比他以前男朋友好,但是我总是觉得自己并没有带给很多的她欢乐。Although she often say I am better than her quondam boyfriend, but alway, I fell I can't give her happy.

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表面看起来是传球,其实是向宋明杰的后背砸过去的。Surface's looking is to scatter ball, in truth is hit toward the Sung clear hero's empress back quondam.

现在我们都是幻云宗的敌人,以前的事情就不要在提了。Now the antagonist whom we are all Huan cloud to believe in, the affair in quondam doesn't ambition at elevator.

在过去一年中,由美国次级房贷问题引发的信贷危机严重影响了全球经济。The global economic has been rocked in the quondam year by a credit crisis stemming from US mortgage loan defaults.

欣慰了一阵以后,萧先生藉端走了,临走的时间,还把宿舍门关上。Comfort a rupture of afterward, teacher Xiao borrows quondam hike, time faced to hike, also close the dormitory door.

有顾氏以前财务部的朱经理,孔菊花现在也回来帮他父亲了!There is manager Zhu to attend to the surname quondam finance division, Ms. Kong also came back to help his father immediately!

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因此,总结研究我国以往的语文教材体系建设成就与不足,将有助于下一轮的语文教材建设。Therefore , it is helpful for next system construction if we can summarize the achievement and deficiency of quondam textbooks.

在过去二十年中,对于癌的起因的研究在数量上有了很大的增长。In the quondam twenty annuals, there has been a large increase in the quantity of research creature done on the cause of cancer.

我失忆后,因为对往事的懵懂无知,所以我根本觉察不到痛苦。I is after losing memories, because to things of the quondam of muddled stupid, so I basically could not find pain and sufferings.

而一旁的吻翌晨,目光却落在仍旧坐在主位上一动不动的男人身上,走了过去。But a side kiss Yi for morning, but the vision fall on the man still sitting on the seat of host an on every cause and walked quondam.

在我校原CODOG实验台基础上,完成了CODAG柴燃联合动力装置物理模拟实验台架的设计搭建工作。Base on the quondam CODOG experiment plant, the designing and constructing work of CODAG physics simulant experiment plant was completed.

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忽然感觉自己看着当年的自己,忽然想自己看着未来,看着自己的孩子,也许正是这一番心情。As if I was seeing myself long ago cycle on the dream road. I was just feeling that I was seeing quondam self, seeing the future, seeing my kid.

尽管一切都在顺利的进行,我还是经常想象,如果我回到过去并且把我现在学到的东西教给那个时候的我,事情会变成什么样子。Even whereas things are feat well, I often imagine what it would be like to work back into the quondam and teach myself what I know immediately.

二人一言一语,殿中气氛又恢复了原有的和谐节奏,把这个小插曲无形中化解了过去。Once 2 folk speak one language, the atmosphere in palace resumed incipient agreeable rhythm afresh and dissolved this small episode invisibly quondam.