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就跟玩玻璃球一样。It's like juggling glass balls.

彼得老爱在用词造句方面玩花样。Peter loves juggling with language.

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谈话应当象杂技表演。Conversation should be like juggling.

莫蒂瓦。杂技总统和教练,球员。Juggling presidents and coaches-players.

别浪费时间纠结那些易被忘记的工作。Don’t waste time juggling forgettable tasks.

那个杂技演员很擅长耍盘子。The acrobat is good at juggling with plates.

他在练习用两个足球玩杂耍。He is practising juggling with two footballs.

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玛丽干吗要把家具移来移去?Why is Mary always juggling the furniture about?

他在晚会上最拿手的戏法是抛耍盘子。His favorite party trick is juggling with plates.

是什么类型的专用约008失败了吗?。What is special about 008 for type juggling to fail?

了解有关在这三个球的杂耍杂技免费视频。Learn about three balls juggling in this free juggling video.

有四支球队杂耍需要掌握三个俱乐部变戏法。Juggling with four clubs requires mastering the three-club juggle.

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你还年轻,不能一直游戏于血与火之中!You're a young guy! can't be juggling blood and fire all the time!

一个常见的杂耍问题发生时两家具乐部在空中相撞。A common juggling problem occurs when two clubs collide in the air.

实践提示有关魔术师在此免费学习杂耍视频。Learn about practice tips for jugglers in this free juggling video.

难道戴着红鼻子穿着脚蹼杂耍似的玩球就是“体育”?Is juggling a ball while wearing a red nose and seal flippers “sport”?

欺骗孩子,和佣人叨叨,没有结尾的任务清单。Juggling kids and domestic chores with clients and endless To-Do lists?

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戏法四俱乐部单打可以比四会更加困难双打。Juggling four-club singles can be more difficult than four-club doubles.

了解如何在这个自由耍弄杂技技巧初学者两个球视频。Learn how to juggle two ball in this free beginner juggling tricks video.

试着把生活想象成一个游戏——在空中抛接五支球。Imagine life as a game in which you re juggling some five balls in the air.