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君子斗数。The gentleman Dou counts.

小王。我是小窦。很高兴认识你。I'm Dou. Pleased to meet you.

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我也很高兴认识你,窦先生。Pleased to meet you, too. Mr. Dou.

您喜欢塑胶片或玻璃片?Dou you like plastic lenses or glass ones?

自己人跟自己人窝里斗?Own people with their own people Woli Dou?

目前窦骁在北京电影学院求艺。Dou now studies acting at the Beijing Film Academy.

在硬化斗渠中仅查出1只感染性钉螺。Only 1 infected snail was found in a cement Dou ditch.

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我想,那一刻的小豆豆该是多痛苦。I think that this is a painful moment in the small Dou.

斗茶是古代品茶艺术的最高表现形式。Dou tea is the highest expression of ancient tea art form.

在水中,鱼和鱼都其乐融融吗?In water, do fish and piscine Dou Jile happy and harmonious?

尹斗寿表示不需要明军就能击败日军。Yin Dou shou said dont need to Ming army could defeat the Japanese army.

窦观一,九三学社南通市委宣传部部长。Dou Guanyi is head of Publicity at the Nantong branch of the Jiusan Society.

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在贵州都匀的哪里有卖郎朗的海报的?。In Guizhou Dou Yun City where has selling husband or lover bright playbill's?

只见一个人家,被火烧坏土墙,糜夫人抱着阿斗,坐于墙下枯井之傍啼哭。Lady Mi was holding Ah Dou and sitting at the base, near a dry well, weeping.

然而,在整个剧情的发展过程中,窦天章却是一个“灵魂”人物。However, in development of the whole story, Dou Tianzhang is a "soul"personage.

回到抚军司后,尹斗寿希望光海君能惩处李舜臣。Return to FuJun division, Yin Dou hope to punish adm. yi sun-sin light sea king.

新繁的新都二中街舞社,有没有认识的?Two newly complicated middle Xin Dou county hip-hop agency , have a cognition's?

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脸上张豆豆最好最快的治疗方法是什么?。Is beans of the Zhang Dou on the face best what is the swiftest treatment method?

田在天说没想到和唐冠中斗了那么些年他还是死在我的前头。Field in said unexpectedly and Tang Guanzhong dou years he still died in front of me.

因为在中国,几乎人人都梦想着鲤鱼跳龙门。Because be in China, almost everybody Dou Meng is thinking a carp to jump dragon door.