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运营商锁定延缓了升级。Carrier lockdown has slowed upgrades.

现在这座南部的港口城市确实已经进入在高度戒备状态了。And so this southern port city is truly in lockdown.

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至于锁定和监视技术,忘记它吧。As for lockdown or surveillance technologies, forget it.

注入TPU的频段增加足弓的稳定,并创建一个锁定适合。Injected TPU bands increase midfoot stability and create a lockdown fit.

由于害怕还有其他枪手参与其中,基地封锁了数小时。The base went into lockdown for several hours amid fears that other shooters were involved.

在配电室,尼娜看到反恐组紧急锁定将她的电脑访问权限关闭了。In the transformer room Nina sees that a CTU emergency lockdown has shut her computer access.

尼斯的一件事双辊是车辆的设置和封锁给赛道是非常快速。The nice thing about twin rollers is that vehicle setup and lockdown to the dyno is very fast.

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前脚顶部以及延伸至踝部的锁带紧紧地牢固住脚部。The lockdown straps located on the top of the forefoot and medial ankle regions secure the foot snugly.

在白天,的黎波里有效地处于安全部门的防范之下,没有任何公开的抗议或者异议。By day, Tripoli is effectively in a security lockdown and there are no outright signs of protest or dissent.

另外,新的客户机策略的向下锁定功能允许指定用户可以修改的策略设置。In addition, a new client policy lockdown feature lets you specify which policy settings your users can modify.

在监狱里所有的技术都和锁定有关,从武器到黑客,禁止做饭,或者之间的任何事。Lockdown is all about the technology inside prisons, from weapons to hacks, contraband to cooking, and everything in between.

墨尔本市中心大部分地区已被警方封锁,与此同时搜索枪击发生后向东逃窜的枪手的行动正在进行中。Much of the centre of Melbourne is in lockdown as police search for the gunman who fled on foot east of the city after the shooting.

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当局已经把曼尼普尔邦这地方锁定,如果他们庆祝圣诞节带来的可怕后果就是处理教堂宵禁。Authorities have put Manipur on lockdown with a curfewin place and churches treated with dire consequences if they celebrateChristmas.

在这项实验中,当黑色的圆盘出现时,石鳖立即贴覆在石板上,但当荧屏变暗时,它们则保持在生活状态。In the experiment, the chitons went into lockdown mode when shown the black disk, but the animals remained at ease when the screen dimmed.

再加上奥运会让北京实行高度警戒,几乎毫不意外的是,今年夏季,中国境内游数量出现下滑。Throw in the the lockdown of Beijing caused by the Olympics and it is little surprise that inbound visitor numbers suffered a summer of decline.

这就是说,操作系统和一或两个基本程序像电话屋一样,并且锁定技术管制了你的电脑。Meanwhile, the operating system and one or two other basic pieces of software are phoning home, and lockdown technologies are policing your computing.

为了对付这个霸天虎赏金猎手,他尽最大限度地将自身武装起来,强化武器装备并提升装甲机能,直到禁闭对他束手无策。To combat the Decepticon bounty hunter, he upgrades his body to its ultimate limit, adding weapons and armor until nothing Lockdown can do will stop him.

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如果腕带被剪断、除下或被破坏,系统会立即产生警报通知工作人员进入防范禁闭状态,从而确保婴儿平安。If this band is cut, removed or tampered with, alarms will sound to alert staff and the unit will go into lockdown status to ensure the safety of the baby.

目击者称现场惨不忍睹,事发英国人街,使得该市进入了一级防范禁闭期状态,全世界领导人也对此发表了谴责。The incident left an "apocalyptic"scene, according to eyewitnesses, on the famed Promenade des Anglais, put thecity on lockdown and drew swift condemnation from world leaders.

教育系统女发言人帕蒂·霍蒙格林说,警方彻底搜查了学校并确认没有进一步的危险,在此之前学校一直处于关闭状态。The school was placed under lockdown until police had searched the buildingdetermined there was no further threat to students, said Patti Holmgren, spokeswoman for the school system.