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典藏版所提供的染料是无限的。The CE dyes are infinite in their use.

它是毛细管电泳中流动相的“推动力”。This is the mobile phase "pump" in CE.

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现在我们讲到了公历纪元,所以是公元66年。Now we're in the Common Era,so this 66 CE.

这本集邮册可真美啊!This Jiyou Ce can be really beautiful, ah!

按照CE标准配备的安全装置。Safety devices according to the CE standards.

双季稻作生产灌溉必不可少。Irrigation is essential in double ri ce systems.

毛细管电泳是基于电泳的原理。CE is based on the principles of electrophoresis.

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所产生的输出数据结果则称之为电泳图谱。The data output from CE is called an electropherogram.

荧光灯启辉器座产品系列已获得CE认证。Fluorescent starter holder series have got CE approval.

每张CE现金券只可用于一个持续进修课程。Only one CE cash coupon can be used for one CE program.

看看你都做了些什么!Just look at what you\'ve done! Regarde ce que tu as fais !

然后罗马君主死于公元54年而国王死于公元61年。However, the latter died in 54 CE, while the former died in 61 CE.

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高品质手机,性能好,价格适宜,可过CE。High-quality mobile phone, good performance, affordable, to lead a CE.

另,所有产品设计制造规范符合CE欧洲安全认证标准。Additionally, all the equipment from Norda meet with the CE certificate.

行政长官会同行政会议又把29份核准图则交回城规会修订。CE in C also referred 29 approved plans back to the board for amendment.

产品已顺利通过了欧洲的安全标准----CE认证。Products have passed the European safety standards ---- CE certification.

故事以三国英雄孙策为主人公,作品融入了幻想要素。The story is the hero three Sun Ce Hero, works into the fantasy elements.

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绳索取芯工具是一种不提钻而从钻杆内捞取岩芯的钻井工具。Wire-line drill tools can lift drill ce drill rods without picking up bit.

行政长官会同行政会议又把29份核准图则交回城规会修订。The CE in C also referred 29 approved plans back to the board for amendment.

原子电池和普通电池相比体积小,重量轻。Atomic cells are very small and very light as compared to ordinary dry ce lls.