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这又是一个错误。Another blunder.

但他犯了一个糟糕的大错误。But he made an awful blunder.

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我希望你不要再犯大错。I hope you will not blunder again.

我们为他祈祷吧,希望他不要再乱闯了。Just pray that he doesn't blunder again.

这就是失态环节,让人难堪。That's the blunder. That's the pratfall.

我们为他祈祷吧,希望他不要再乱闯了。Just pray that he does not blunder again.

他的粗枝大叶导致他犯了一个严重错误。His carelessness results in a serious blunder.

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吃错了药可是很严重的错误。Taking the wrong medicine was a serious blunder.

你是害怕的——你的自爱心理使你害怕出大错。You ARE afraid -- your self-love dreads a blunder.

实验中出现了采访者失态的环节。Half of them are assigned to the blunder condition.

你正好犯了一个超过所有大错的最大错误。You just committed the blunder to end all blunders.

他犯的大错肯定会毁了他晋升的机会。His blunder would certainly queer his chances of promotion.

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那么说,恐怕就是我们干了点鲁莽的事,得罪人了。I'm afraid we must have made some blunder and given offence.

我们大多数的人有时会意外地瞎闯而伤害到别人。Most of us at times blunder into accidentally hurting someone.

而且,巴西一直存在发生丑闻或捅出大漏子的可能性。And in Brazil there is always the possibility of a scandal or blunder.

诚然,这个不幸可能因医生的过失造成,但是,神却是不会弄错的。It may have been a blunder on his part, but it was no mistake on God's.

昨天我偶然碰上了一个几年没见面的老朋友。Yesterday I blunder upon an old friend I hadn t seen for several years.

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这是一个大胆的、自私的,可能会被证明是个灾难性错误的行动。This is a bold, selfless move that may prove to be a disastrous blunder.

我和我老公是经人介绍而成婚的,我在我们的蜜月中犯了个错误。I had an arranged marriage and it was a blunder that I did on my honeymoon.

除非你是一个有能力的人,失态会为你加分。Only blunder if you're competent first and it will make you more attractive.