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我想,他们贪污了不少。I suppose they embezzle a lot.

我如何才能从公司里贪污5块钱?。How can I embezzle 5 dollars from my company?

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这个黑心律师贪污了顾客数百万。This ruthless attorney embezzled millions from clients. embezzle.

人啊,我们偷、盗用公款,每一笔钱都放在那个罐子里。Man, we'd steal and embezzle and everything to put money in that pot.

非洲国家的领导人惊讶地发现,他们很难盗用国家的发展资金。African leaders find it surprisingly hard to embezzle development funds.

第一部分,关于挪用公款罪侵犯的客体和犯罪对象。First section, the abject and target violated by crime of embezzle public funds.

禁止侵占、挪用被征用土地单位的征地补偿费用和其他有关费用。It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other related expenses.

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所以在普通仓库的运作中,侵占的诱惑被严格限制了。Thus, in the ordinary course of warehousing, the temptations to embezzle are strictly limited.

我只是让你摘下来又没让你扔了,你就别跟我偷换概念了。I equitable make you pick and didn't make you throw, you didn't embezzle to alteration concept with me.

如此,人们将生活在无助中,这也是为什么政府官员有如此大的空间贪污腐败”。Is it so the people can live in utter helplessness? Is it so certain corrupt officials will have a large space to embezzle?

淑贤表面上原谅了振源,却在暗地里与荣光勾结,决定要掏空公司的钱,替母亲报仇。Shu Xian agrees to forgive him but secretly decides to work with Rong Guang to embezzle company funds to avenge her mother.

讨厌老板和工作的皮特和两位朋友贪污公款、上班迟到。Disgusted by their jobs and their boss, Peter and his two friends embezzle money and start sleeping through their alarm clocks.

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腐败的官员通常都有小三和“二奶”,而这些人也经常因导致官员受贿和挪用公款而遭人诟病。Corrupt officials often have mistresses and “second wives,” who are often blamed for driving officials to take bribes or embezzle money.

腐败的官员通常都有小三和“二奶”,而这些人也经常因导致官员受贿和挪用公款而遭人诟病。Corrupt officials often have mistresses and “second wives, ” who are often blamed for driving officials to take bribes or embezzle money.

但若是大规模地盗用用户注册信息进行流氓式的广告推广,那就有问题了。But if embezzle large-scaly, the advertisement that the user registers information to have scampish type is popularized, that has a problem.

侵吞挪用公款的利息和挪用公款而收受贿赂的应择一重罪处罚。Those who embezzle the interest of misappropriated public funds and those who are bribed to embezzle public funds should be seriously published.

检方已对几名银行高管和监管者展开调查,指控他们共谋挪用资金和发放非法贷款。Prosecutors have opened investigations into several bank executives and regulators, accusing them of colluding to embezzle funds and grant illegal loans.

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他宣称,总统、第一夫人、科罗姆政府成员及他们的生意伙伴利用农村银行侵吞公款并洗钱。He alleged that the President, the First Lady, members of the Colom Administration, and their business cronies were using Banrural to embezzle and launder money.

难道只是为堆积经济泡沫?如此,人们将生活在无助中,这也是为什么政府官员有如此大的空间贪污腐败”。Is it just for accumulating golden bubbles?Is it so the people can live in utter helplessness?Is it so certain corrupt officials will have a large space to embezzle?

第二天上路,三人行变成了四人行,多了一个厚颜无耻、好吃懒做、偷奸耍滑、皮赖惫懒的死老头。Second sky road, 3 people went to convert 4 people to work, many a thick Yan is shameless, inactive, embezzle crafty play slippery, the peel depend on Bei lazy dead old man.