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通常论者不会再回到原来的问题。Often, the arguer never returns to the original issue.

他真是个狡诈的辩论家,总是拒绝给出直截了当的回答。What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer.

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当一个辩论者不动感情于争辩,他只是为争辩而辩。When an arguer argues dispassionately he thinks only of the argument.

总而言之,论述者没能用其提出的论据来说服我们。In summary, the arguer fails to convince with the argument as presented.

由于没有探究这些可能性,论述者所摆出的这段论述便失去了说服力。By failing to address these possibilities, the arguer has presented an unconvincing argument.

班兹坚称当局在装修期间应确保水管设备的安全。Banze had arguer that the authorities should have ensure the plumbing was safe during the refurbishment.

论述者便据此得出结论认为,这样看来,第一项研究中的受访对象没能如实地描述他们自己的阅读习惯。The arguer concludes that the respondents in the first study therefore misrepresented their own reading habits.

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毕竟作者提供了相关证据——附近的一个名为Brookville的社区从这些限制措施里获益。After all, the arguer offers relevant evidence that a nearby community named Brookville benefits from these restrictions.

论者希望我们把注意的是一个不容质疑的前提上,“谋杀在道德上是错误的”而忽略其它的假定。The arguer is hoping we'll just focus on the uncontroversial premise, "Murder is morally wrong," and not notice what is being assumed.

此外,论述者暗示,由于这种蝾螈的卵没有任何保护壳,它们肯定易于受到紫外线的毁损。Furthermore, the arguer implies that because this salamander's eggs have no protective shells, they must be vulnerable to UV radiation.

提出这些论点的作者可以对Durant市长有此个人怨仇,但论述中所陈述的各项内容并不能为这样一种责怪提供依据。The arguer may have a personal vendetta against Mayor Durant but the elements stated in the argument do not support such an accusation.

首先,论证者说因为只有百分之二的顾客有不满之辞,所以其余百分之九十八的人肯定是满意的。First of all, the arguer states that because only two percent of customers have complained, the other ninety-eight percent must be happy.

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再者,论述者提到跨河大桥比上游河段更长的Derby大桥老化的速度来得快。Furthermore, the arguer mentions that the River Bridge has deteriorated much more rapidly than the much longer Derby Bridge up the river.

即使在承认这些条件的情况下,论述者将食用大豆与防止疾病和抵抗忧郁直接联系起来,这一做法本身仍存在着问题。Given that, there is still a problem with the arguer directly correlating the eating of soy with the prevention of disease and depression.

论述者还指出,紫外线辐射可破坏纤薄的组织,并且蝾螈的卵没有任何保护壳。The arguer also states that ultraviolet radiation is known to be damaging to delicate tissues and that salamander eggs have no protective shells.

若要使其论述在逻辑上成立,论述者必须在神经肽的分裂与记忆能力和学习能力的缺失之间证明某种直接的联系。To strengthen the argument, the arguer must show a direct link between the breaking apart of neuropeptides and loss of memory and learning ability.

但是事情经常有两个以上的选择,如果我们通盘考虑一下,也许我们不会匆忙选择论者推荐的结论。But often there are really many different options, not just two—and if we thought about them all, we might not be so quick to pick the one the arguer recommends.

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论述者在其论述的结束处陈述首,北美人应考虑经常性地吃些大豆,以此作为一种抗疲劳和抗忧郁的方法。The arguer then concludes his or her argument by stating that North Americans should consider regularly eating soy as a means of battling fatigue and depression.

进一步而言,论述者在其论述的开始陈述道,随着人们渐趋衰老,PEP会将学习和记忆过程中所涉及的神经肽化学物进行分解。Additionally, the arguer begins his or her argument by stating that as people grow older, PEP breaks down the neuropeptide chemicals involved in learning and memory.

论证者声称,尽管这样,马里区的学生总体成绩比三里区的好,而且较少需要留级。The arguer claims that despite this, students in Marlee earn better grades overall and are less likely to be required to repeat a year of school than are students in Sanlee.