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他忙于琐事。He concerns himself with trivia.

不要为这些鸡毛蒜皮的事争吵。Don't altercate over such trivia.

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这是真正的爱情剪影。That is truly in love with trivia.

一个对你有位辞书琐事。A bit of lexicographical trivia for you there.

还必须注意你在琐事上花的时间。Notice, too, how much time you spend on trivia.

数学逻辑能够推理一些极其细微的现象。Mathematical logic can produce some great trivia.

但中国的微博并不仅仅局限于鸡毛蒜皮的小事儿。But microblogs in China are not just about trivia.

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我们整个晚上谈论家庭琐事。We spent the whole evening discussing domestic trivia.

生活中使我们不快乐的常是一些芝麻小事。In our life it is often the trivia that makes us unhappy.

我们的许多研究都浪费在一些无足轻重的琐事上。One who quibbles over trivia. Much of our research is wasted on trivia.

最后,我还想跟您闲扯一下,我在查询相关资料时所碰到的细枝末节。Finally, I’d like to tell you about a bit of trivia I bumped into on this.

考验爱情是否纯真,时常会体现在平曰琐事的关爱与呵护上。Test of love is pure, often reflected in the Ping said trivia care and care.

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本文继续在感恩节讨论数学的细小运用的传统。This article continues the Thanksgiving tradition of discussing math trivia.

会员也可以组建俱乐部,玩小游戏,浏览名言等。Members can also form book clubs, play trivia games, and browse famous quotes.

语法节点总会是包含其它节点、令牌和琐碎内容的组合。A syntax node always contains a combination of other nodes, tokens, and trivia.

但其他鱼,是你赢得百科知识比赛所需的活生生的证据。But these others, these are the living proof you need, to win that trivia contest.

这个脑筋急转弯网站提供各种不同的游戏和琐事游戏挑战你的大脑。This brain teaser site provides a variety of games and trivia to challenge your mind.

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那些被告知信息将被抹掉的学生则大多数精确地记住了那些琐碎的笔记。Those who were told their notes would be erased most accurately remembered the trivia.

戴墨镜的男子对这个豆知识感佩万分,一直连按按钮。Admiring the trivia greaty, the man with sunglasses pressed the button again and again.

他们愿意为了假摔斤斤计较,却忽略赤裸裸的球场暴力。This willingness to overlook acts of horrific violence yet focus on trivia like diving.