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包括了濒危的墨西哥狼和巨大的萨挂诺仙人掌。They include the endangered Mexican Wolf and giant Saguaro cactus.

亚利桑那州,一株巨人柱仙人掌矗立在一团狂暴的闪电中。A saguaro cactus stands tall amid a frenzy of lightning bolts in Arizona.

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每个瓜罗得救了,每一个巨石,帕洛贝尔德和轮廓保存。Every Saguaro was saved, every boulder, Palo Verde, and contour preserved.

这个沉降雨水允许仙人掌像这样巨人柱发展极大。This precipitation allows cacti like this saguaro to grow extremely large.

向西开一小段路就能来到仙人掌国家公园,这里是很多长相卡通的仙人掌的家园。A short drive to the west is the Saguaro National Park, home to cartoon-style cacti.

仙人掌在亚利桑纳州是受到保护的植物,不可以乱砍,否则会有牢狱之灾。Hence, Saguaro in Arizona is a protected plant, which no one can cut it or he will go to jail.

撒古罗社区教堂的大卫·海尔萨姆牧师主持了仪式。David Hallstrom performed the ceremony at Saguaro Buttes Community Church, where he is the pastor.

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这张或许可看出端倪,为什麽去拥抱它是不可能的。This picture may be able to present a better idea that it is literally impossible to hug a saguaro.

沙漠植物图片。仙人掌填充前景和树形仙人掌覆盖远处的丘陵在亚利桑那州的仙人掌国家公园。Prickly pear cacti fill the foreground and saguaros cover the distant hills in Arizona's Saguaro National Park.

雷暴雨滚滚而来,树形仙人掌依然挺立。干燥地区的闪电增加了灌木丛火灾风险Saguaro cacti stand in the desert as a thunderstorm rolls overhead. Lightning in dry areas increases the risk of brush fires.

郁郁葱葱的仙人掌树丛,比如巨树仙人掌从林,可以在短短不到100年之内迁进或迁出西南部的小块沙漠地带。A thick stand of cactus, such as a Saguaro forest, can migrate onto or off of a patch of southwestern desert in little as 100 years.

这对恋人在11月7号举行了婚礼,在图森附近的撒古罗国家公园。The couple were married Nov. 7 in an outdoor ceremony near Tucson, just outside the Saguaro National Park in the foothills of the Rincon Mountains.

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向西开一小段路就能来到仙人掌国家公园,这里是很多长相卡通的仙人掌的家园。这里有卡丁赛道,攀岩场,还有当地美丽的落日景观。A short drive to the west is the Saguaro National Park, home to cartoon-style cacti. There are looping drives, hikes, and it's a local favourite for sunsets.