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但近来这项努力无法得以继续。But the effort has been faltering lately.

在2001年设定的能效目标已经摇摇欲坠。Targets set in 2001 on energy efficiency are faltering.

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该国的两家冠军企业,丰田和索尼,正处在风雨飘渺之中。Its two champions, Toyota and Sony, are faltering badly.

除了一颗摇摇欲坠的心在苟延残喘地跳动外。In addition to a faltering heart in the beating to linger.

时,他那五个瘫软了的手指几乎让手枪落了下来。Marius's faltering fingers had come near letting the pistol fall.

动摇和迟疑已经让位于成就和自豪…The faltering and the self-doubt has given way to achievement and pride.

以及它能否支撑住任天堂在游戏市场中逐渐衰退的统治地位。And will it shore up Nintendo's faltering dominance in the gaming market?

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孟山都财务上遭受困难,急需开发新的市场。Monsanto is faltering financially and is desperate to open new markets. The U.

这一起重机在两个人来操作下,从未摇摇欲坠,也从未发生过任何状况。The hoist did the work of two men, never faltering and never once complaining.

黑暗势力现在步履蹒跚,他们曾经强大的对你们世界控制力正在滑落。The dark is faltering and its once-mighty stranglehold on your world is slipping.

鉴于国际需求仍然踌躇不前,这一结果对于一个出口依赖型经济体来说并不稀奇。This is no surprise for an export-led economy dependent on faltering global demand.

假如只有雅虎和美国在线合作,那么看起来更像是孤注一掷之举,因为这两家公司如今都风雨飘摇。It would look even more desperate if it were just Yahoo and AOL, both of which are faltering.

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虽然经济正在颤抖,但中国的一些观察家还是从中看到了一丝光明。Some China-watchers see a light at the end of the tunnel for the country's faltering economy.

如果没有阿巴斯,停滞不前的和平进程前景会更加渺茫。And without him, the prospects to the already faltering peace process would look even bleaker.

“有时候为了不哭出来你必须笑,”费舍尔犹豫的说道。"Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying, " Fisher said about the co-captains faltering.

一切对于无力经济的讨论似乎都可归入坏消息一类。All the recent talk about the faltering economy certainly seems to fall into the bad-news category.

他还说,他认为原因在于日益衰落的教育体制,以及大众传媒的影响。He believes the cause is in the faltering education system and the sway of the mass media, he added.

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鉴于经济低迷,美国低收入群体的工资今年难有改观。Given the faltering economy, it is unlikely that lower-earning Americans have made up ground this year.

但是,加起来能占到欧元区GDP一半的德、法两国,目前的经济增长确是步履蹒跚。But growth is now faltering in both Germany and France, which together account for half of euro-zone GDP.

现在,随着支出开始耗尽,出现了令人不安的迹象,恢复正处于步履维艰的境地。And now, with the spending beginning to run out, there are troubling signs that the recovery is faltering.