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它当时被称为妈妈的星期天。It was then called Mothering Sunday.

我什么时候能回家照顾自己的孩子?when I could be home mothering my children?

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但Paige母性的直觉向她发出了警报。But Paige's mothering instinct was on the alert.

有时我会问我自己,为什么要照顾80个学生,Sometimes I ask myself why I'm mothering 80 students

你认为哪个方面能够最有力地支持虎妈的教养方式?What do you think is the strongest element in favor of tiger mothering?

而这一天,也就是四旬斋的第四个星期日,就变成「省亲星期日」。This day, the fourth Sunday of Lent, became known as " Mothering Sunday."

此后,母性成为我们所面对的最具争议性的问题。And with it, mothering has become one of the most contentious issues around.

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这种教堂里的庆祝活动不断与“拜望双亲日”相混合。Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration.

队伍出发了,他们还是化妆成一对阔家夫妇回乡省亲的队伍。Team set off, they still make up into a rich family couple returned mothering.

庆祝母亲节的习俗几乎完全消失了19世纪。Custom of celebrating Mothering Sunday died out almost completely by the 19th century.

然而很显然除了缺少语言之外还有更多的原因,那就是缺少良好的母亲抚养。But clearly there was more than lack of language here. What was missing was good mothering.

他们带回的特别的省亲蛋糕增添了节日的气氛。A special cake , called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch.

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为增加节日的气氛,他们常捎带一种特制的蛋糕,叫省亲蛋糕。A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch4.

近日一只成年老虎对几只穿着小老虎“外衣”的猪宝宝倾注母爱的照片在网上广为流传。Several pictures of an adult tiger seeming to be mothering some piglets wrapped in tiger skins.

它们很快适应了新的母爱特征,长大后对其子女也关爱有加。They adapted quickly to the new mothering style and grew up to tend carefully to their own offspring.

在1976年,在公众的心目中还没有自闭症,这问题一直归因于母亲冷漠。In 1976, autism was not on the public’s mind, and the problem was still attributed to indifferent mothering.

没有母亲般的悉心照护,特别是在生命的第一年,婴儿的成活能力受到严重影响。Without good mothering , in the first year of life especially, the capacity to survive is seriously affected.

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拜望双亲日让家族重聚,反之,又可以引起对母亲节的态度。Mothering Sunday church travel led to family reunions, which in turn led to Britain's version of Mother's Day.

当时,很多在有钱人家里帮工讨生活的穷人,到了“母亲星期日”这天都会得到一天假期,并被鼓励返家。On Mothering Sunday the poor servants for the wealthy would have the day off and were encouraged to return home.

后来,在美国定居的英国殖民者由于缺少时间停止了这项传统。The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time.