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文章结构谨严。The article is compact and carefully constructed.

职业专家倡议,宁可功于谨严也不要大意。Career experts suggest erring on the side of caution.

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和真正的治学谨严学风。He combines creative imagination and true scholarship.

因为我们要去热带雨林我们不能不特别谨严。You can't be too careful when you visit the rainforest.

现在,谨严地使用红色很轻易让人想到亚洲的影响。Today careful use can easily suggest an Asian influence.

像蜗牛一样谨严,像鸟儿一样灵敏。Imitate the snail in deliberation, the bird in execution.

谨严选择网站背景、文本色彩。Be cautious when selecting your background and text colors.

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没有,我工作长短常谨严的,并且我的共事也是异常勤恳的。No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent.

老舍,以其幽默诙谐却又不乏庄重谨严的文笔,感染并影响著他的读者。Lao She affects his reader with his humorous and solemn style of writing.

我决心在第三次敢于再来到这屋里时可要小心谨严。And I resolved to be cautious how I ventured under those rafters a third time.

掌声停了是由于一条谨严的似乎有理的条款引起的原因。The applause paused because of the cause caused by a cautious plausible clause.

科学中最谨严而令人信服的一门。That most exact and convincing of all sciences, mathematics, is sheerly metaphysical.

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管理这个世界的所有谨严的法律,我们都是在触犯了它们之后才学到的。All the hard and fast laws which govern the world we learnt by knocking up against them.

这里我只能说,近几年来,我竭力减少生动形象的描写,尽量写得更谨严简练。I will only say that of late years I have tried to write less picturesquely and more exactly.

这里我只能说,近几年来,我竭力减少生动形象的描写,尽量写得更谨严简练。I will only say that of late years I hxdye tried to write less picturesquely and more exactly.

在翻译批评与从译态度上,他提倡客观、谨严、务实的作风。Towards translation and translation criticism, he upholds an objective , practical and realistic attitude.

他是一个谨严的考古学家,长时间地领导新疆的考古发掘工作。He is a serious archeologist who has guided archeological excavations in Xinjiang for a long period of time.

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懦夫认为自己谨严,而守财奴也相信自己是节约的。The coward is convinced that he is only being cautious and the miser always thinks he is practicing frugality.

故宫布局谨严,寸砖片瓦皆遵循着封建等级礼制,映现帝王至高无上的权威。It has strict and precise layout. Each piece of brick and tile would represent the high sovereignty of emperors.

这种情况的发生,在于英国文学中其真正艺术风格的节制与谨严还没有出现。And for this, the fact that in English literature the reticence of true art has not yet appeared, is responsible.