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可以与香连片交替使用,以减少细菌耐药的发生。If used alternately with Xianglian tablet, it can help reduce the drug resistance.

草地上坑坑洼洼,沼泽连片,没有道路,没有人烟,一不小心,就有可能葬身泥潭。The potholes on the grass, bog shall, no roads, no one lives, accidentally, you may die.

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结合礁顶部覆盖有连片分布的巨厚的三叠系泥质岩作区域盖层,礁油气藏即可形成。A great thickness and stable distribution of Triassic shale was overlying the reef as a regional caprock.

当熔丝熔断时,转动连片和下动触头下垂,即可显示发生故障。When the fuse is blown out, the rotary link piece and the lower moving contact droop to indicate failure occurrence.

广西是我国岩溶石山面积集中、连片面积最大的省区之一。Guangxi is one of the provinces which own the concentrative and the largest area of karst and rock mountain in China.

八道湾组地层油气藏具有进一步勘探潜力,齐古组岩性油藏有望实现连片分布。The latter reservoir has a further exploration potential and the former reservoir may have a continuous distribution.

钻探表明,杭锦旗地区上古生界油气显示十分普遍且具有连片性。It is quite prevalent and implicative for hydrocarbon showings of upper paleozoic on drilling in the region of hangjinqi.

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在进行连片处理时需对资料做规则化处理,以消除这些差异。So, regularization processing should be carried out for seismic data during merging processing to eliminate the differences.

西湖凹陷三维地震连片处理中不同时期采集的三块地震数据在偏移距、覆盖次数、面元大小及方位角等方面存在较大差异。Three blocks of data from Xihu sag were acquired with a wide variety of spread length, bin dimension, grid orientation, fold, etc.

“国王的演讲”是好莱坞大片的反义词,没有激情戏,没有汽车特技,没有八块肌肉的超级英雄,连片名都起得不像票房冠军,从头到尾都是一个口吃的国王。A movie about a stuttering monarch, without sex, car chases or sinewy super heroes, hardly sounds like blockbuster box-office fare.

在集中连片的井灌区,周边居民的生活自备井、手压井取水困难。In well group irrigation area, it was difficult for local residents to get water from their self-provided well or hand-pressed well.

毛青山在选择地块上,注重背风向阳、质地松疏、没有积水、成块连片。Mao Castle in the selection of land, pay attention to leeward Xiang Yang, Shu-song quality, there is no water, merging into a block.

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塔巴庙地区下二叠统是多砂层复合叠加连片,大面积含气的层位。The Lower Permian at Tabamiao region is a large area gas-bearing formation consisting of many sandbeds interconnected and superposed.

生态环境综合治理是通过防止土地沙漠化,因地制宜集中连片发挥林、草永久性屏障作用。Ecological environment should be harnessed through controlling land desertification and utilizating woodland as permanent nature defence.

这里水田连片,盛产水稻,淡水渔业发达,是中国著名的鱼米之乡。This area has boundless paddy fields and developed freshwater fishery and is rich in paddy. It is a famous land of fish and rice in China.

恢复送电时,先将转动连片闭合,取下熔管换上熔丝,将熔管复位即可。Resuming power supply only includes closing the rotary link piece, taking off the fusion tube, replacing a fuse and then returning the fusion tube.

这里没有绵延的山脉,广袤的平原或者连片的森林,也无法感受到与之相伴的雄伟壮丽。We have here no vast mountain ranges, no illimitable plains, no leagues of forest, and are deprived of the grandeur that may accompany these thing.

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外前缘砂体连片性非常强,但是砂体内部发育大量水平或近水平泥质薄层,储层的垂向非均质性较强。The sand bodies of the outer delta front have high flat connectivity, but there are many mud thin zones, and the vertical heterogeneity is powerful.

由于人少地多,土地连片,农业机械的作用的发挥对于黑龙江的农业生产具有十分重要的意义。Because fewer people and more land planted, agricultural machinery to play the role of Heilongjiang's agricultural production is of great significance.

有效储层主要分布在JP22、JP23、JP25三个亚段背斜构造的西翼及东北部,连片性较好。Effective reservoir are most distributed in the JP22, JP23, JP25 three sub-paragraph of the west wing and the north-east of the antic- line, good lace.