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你的言行不一致。Your words and actions do not accord.

他的所作所为与他的言行不一致。His words don't agree with his action.

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他言行不一。His practice does not consort with his preaching.

特别是那些言行不一致的人。Especially for those whose deeds don't match their words.

他们言行不一。他们说的是一回事,做的是另一回事。Their actions lack consistency, they say one thing and do another.

如果你言行不一致的话,你能够实现你的愿望吗?If you don’t get your act together, will you ever get what you want?

当一人言行不一致时,这就完全糟了,这会导向伪善。——列宁。When one person's words don't agree, this is quite bad, which leads to hypocrisy.

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这种言行不一意味着最终穷国将自己担起大部分重担。The discrepancy means poor countries will end up bearing most of the burden themselves.

如果我对儿子的期望跟我后来的言行不一致,我儿子就会弄不清楚我究竟期望他怎样做。If I am inconsistent with my expectations and actions my son won't understand what I expect.

这位亚利桑那州参议员星期二指称欧巴马为了赢得只援而言行不一。The Arizona lawmaker today accused Obama of saying one thing and doing another to win support.

尽管宣称一以贯之,有些保守党指责她言行不一。Despite the rhetorical force of her convictions, some Tory colleagues accuse her of inconsistency.

但问题是由于奥巴马一再的言行不一,已经让他丧失了民众的信任。The problem, however, is that Obama is no longer believed. He has failed to match his words with actions.

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如果父母口是心非,言行不一,孩子就会模仿他们的行为,对他们的教导也置之不理。If the parents duplicity, words and deeds, the child will imitate their behavior, their teachings are ignored.

当前大学生诚信教育需要解决的问题主要是“心口不一”和“言行不一”。The problems in the present sincerity education are the inconsistency between mind and speech speech and action.

而且,虽然绝大多数政治家都把宪法奉为圣物,但实际上他们却往往言行不一。And while most politicians treat the Constitution as sacrosanct, their actions often don't jibe with their words.

作为议员时的奥巴马向“信息自由流动法”投了支持票,而上台后却没有实际行动,这样的言行不一似乎是个反复出现的问题。In what seems to be a recurring theme, Senator Obama supported the Free Flow of Information Act, but President Obama does not.

我了解那个人的许多方面——不仅仅美的方面,还有其局限性,言行不一及缺陷。I'm aware of the many sides of the other person – not just the beautiful side but also the limitation, inconsistencies and flaws.

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爱意味着我了解我所爱的人,我知道那个人的方方面面——不仅仅是美好的一面,而且也包括他力所能及、言行不一和其他缺点的一面。Love means I know the person I love. I'm aware of the many sides of the other person-not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistancies and flaws.

如果你言行不一致,不可靠,如果你不遵守承诺,他们会认为天父也是言行不一,不可靠,违背诺言的神。If you are inconsistent and unreliable, if you break your promises, they’re going to think their heavenly Father is inconsistent and unreliable and breaks His promises.

爱意味着我了解我所爱的人,我知道那个人的方方面面——不仅仅是美好的一面,而且也包括他能力所限,言行不一和有其他缺点的一面。Love means that I know the person I love. I'm aware of the many sides of the other person-not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and flaws.