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我们把这些全部填满So we filled these out.

有一个已经填满了。One had already been filled.

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将坑洼处填满。Have filled the hollows full.

废物把洞填满了。The waste bunged up the hole.

帽子很快的开始填满了钱。Soon the hat began to fill up.

现在让我们把这些轨道填满。So now let's fill the orbitals.

因为井里填满枯骨。Because it is full of skeletons.

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请用泥土填满这个坑。Please fill the hole with earth.

生生的伤口被填满盐巴The raw wound was packed with salt

其中一个坑已经被填满了。One trench had already been filled.

我要用多少支铅笔才能填满这个房间?。How many pens can I fit in this room?

帽子很快的开始填满了钱。Soon the hat stpaintinged to fill up.

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水库被水填满。The reservoir was filling with water.

你的心也可以再被填满,用他分享给你的爱。Or you can be full of love you shared.

亦真亦幻的填满我易逝的童年。Living in fill my perishable childhood.

我们需要8加4等于4,12个电子来填满壳层。We need 8 plus 4 is 12 for full shells.

今天减少是因为填满了沟壑。Which but to-day by feeding is allayed.

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这条小河渐渐被淤沙填满了。The river is becoming chocked with sand.

我的爱,你填满我的心房!My heart-of-hearts filled with your love.

井里填满了沙子再出不来水了。Sand now filled the wells instead of water.