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不久前她还有一双拖鞋可穿。Some time ago she had slippers.

再做一双有衬里的御寒拖鞋Fair lined slippers for the cold

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他勇敢地用拖鞋打蟑螂。He bravely slippered a cockroach.

小恶棍藏了我的拖鞋。The little villain hid my slippers.

拖鞋不磨损地毯。It saves wear and tear on the carpet.

变成了精瘦的拖着拖鞋的龙钟老叟。Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon!

小狗在拖鞋上啃了一个洞。The puppy chewed a hole in the slipper.

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穿上你的拖鞋,舞蹈在你的房间里。Put on your slippers. Dnce in your room.

牛仔裤、运动衫和拖鞋,随处可见。Jeans, sweatshirts and sandals are common.

她趿拉着她母亲的拖鞋走过去了。She scuffed past in her slippers slipper s.

她下床穿着拖鞋走过房间。She slippered across the room from her bed.

艾米丽趿拉著她母亲的拖鞋走过去了。Emily scuffed past in her mother's slippers.

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她穿着拖鞋噼啦啪啦地在房间中走过去。She clapped across the room in her slippers.

无跟拖鞋在石头上啪啪作响。Heelless slippers were slapping on the stones.

厨娘的拖鞋脏兮兮的,补丁也不少。Cook's bedroom slippers were patched and dirty.

他父亲用一只拖鞋进行惩罚。His father meted out punishment with a slipper.

其次,什么叫穿拖鞋的给我拖出去?Secondly, what to wear slippers to me drag out?

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哦你把拖鞋给我拿来了,真是个大好人。Oh you are a saint , fetching my slippers for me.

那些毛绒拖鞋或最喜欢的老体恤衫也一样。So are fuzzy slippers or your favorite old T-shirt.

他的拖鞋用绝缘胶布沾着。His slippers are held together with electrical tape.