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陪审制是公民参与司法审判的主要方式之一。Jury system is one of the important methods of the people's judicature.

陪审制的运用是英国刑事审判的主要特征。The jury's utilization is the main characteristic of England criminal trial.

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国内学者在制度层面对陪审制的探讨已经很多,但对陪审制的价值基础却很少论及。Many chinese scholars talk about Jury as a part of the legal system, but the value of Jury system is rarely discussed.

陪审制具体又可分为英美法系的陪审团制度和大陆法系的参审制。This system consists of jury system in common law system and trial system of people's assessors in continental law system.

在新陪审制度开始实施的今天,只有正确解读陪审制中的司法文化符号,才能避免移淮为积。Only by analyzing correctly the signs of the Western judicial culture could we avoid deviating from its original intention.

通过上述方面的完善,真正让人民陪审制在我国发挥其应有作用。Through the above aspect consummation, truly lets the people jury system display in our country its should have the function.

通过分析对比,我们才会在对待人民陪审制的存废问题上更富理性。After the analysis and comparison can we be more rational to the question whether we'd keep or annul the people's jury system.

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从我国使用陪审制的整体状况来看,各地对陪审制的使用不多,且存在着地区、案件类别的不平衡现象。From the using of our jury system, as a whole, it has a small range of using, and also imbalanced of using in the types of cases.

相比英美法系的陪审制而言,大陆法系的参审制度从其设立之初就存在着很大的问题。Compared with British and American jury system, the assessor system of continental legal system has many problems when it appears.

介绍了我国人民陪审员制度的现状,以及对其是完善还是取消的争论,并分析了陪审制的本质和功能。This paper reviews the present situation of jury system and the dispute of perfecting and abolishing on jury system in our country.

这一差异的形成与两大法系的方法论研究、民事诉讼的运作起点、对实用主义的态度和陪审制的运用密切相关。It is related to the legal methodology, the starting point of civil litigation, the attitude toward pragmatism as well as the jury system.

认为陪审制就是非法官人员或由其组成的团体和法官一起没有分工或有所分工地审理案件以实现司法民主、维护司法公正的法律制度。The jury system is a legal system in which the cases are tried by the judge and juryman , in order to realize judicial democracy and justice.

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造成这种差异的主要原因是英美法系国家实行陪审制、采用了对抗制的诉讼模式并强调对案件的集中审理原则。The employment of jury, the adversary fact-finding system and the concentrated proceedings contribute to the differences of two legal systems.

我国应废除现行参审制,结合我国实际,引进陪审制。Our country should abolish mixed courts system and use jury system of Britain and America for reference according to the practice of our country.

由于法律传统和人文环境的不同,陪审制在英美法系国家与大陆法系国家以不同的形式存在。Because of the difference of legal tradition and humanism, jury system shows different form in anglo-american law system and continental law system.

我国的人民陪审制具有强大的民主功能,但是在中国的司法实践中,人民陪审制遭遇了极大困境,因而我们必须在制度上完善它。Therefore the jurors are not willing to do their work, the courts are not likely to use this legal structure, and so the jury system does not function well.

近些年来,随着司法民主化建设的推进,陪审制在国内也引起了理论界和实务界的广泛关注。Recent years, with the progress of construction of the judicial democratization, the jury system has aroused popular focus in the field of theory and practice.

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在英美法系之中,由于这种陪审制有着相当长的历史作为积淀,所以,相关的问题已经得到了很好的解决。There is no serious problem in the counterpart of British and American system, as it has experienced a long history, during which many disadvantages and defects have been solved.

近代陪审制度起源于英国,为资产阶级民主发展做出了贡献,但是在当前世界范围内陪审制却呈衰微之势。The jury system, which originates from the UK, has made great contribution to the development of world democracy. However, the jury system begin to show a sign of decadency at present.

进一步完善我国的人民陪审制已是我国司法改革、依法治国、建设社会主义法制国家的应有之意。Further consummates our country the people jury system already are our country judicial reform, legally rule a nation, the construction socialist legal system country should have meaning.