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而是一个抽象名词。It's an abstract noun.

它是抽象名词。It is an abstract noun.

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他是一名抽象艺术家。He is an abstract artist.

作品为抽象主义绘画。The work is of abstract style.

实例胜过抽象理解。Example is better than percept.

中国有抽象主义艺术吗?。IS There Abstract Art in China?

一个抽象路径名的过滤器。A filter for abstract pathnames.

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我很抽象但我一直是南波万!I am abstract but always No. 1 !

“幸福”这个词是抽象名词吗?Is "happiness" an abstract noun?

第一个是一个抽象的方面。The first is an abstract aspect.

口腔期人格也有一些抽象的表现。But it can also be more abstract.

是围绕核心抽象的模式数量么?The number of patterns around it?

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抽象类的方式也很好。An abstract class is good as well.

他们都应该依赖于抽象。Both should depend on abstractions.

不要这样抽象地谈问题。Don't speak in such abstract terms.

美和真都是抽象概念。Beauty and Truth are abstract ideas.

它是另一种抽象的柏拉图式的型相It's another abstract Platonic form.

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请注意,这是抽象视图。Note that this is a high-level view.

抽象概念的大脑健身操Brain Calisthenics for Abstract Ideas

现在,我会将风险抽象化Now, I'm going to abstract from risk.