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要冲泡散叶茶?Want to brew loose leaf tea?

就在要冲进池塘救人的时候。So you are about to rush in to save the child.

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我劝他不要冲进去,递交辞职书。I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.

不要冲我大喊大叫,闭上你那比菊花还臭的嘴巴,滚出我的地盘!Shut up your mouth that smeller than ass, Get out my control!

我们待会儿只要冲个澡,这里又没别人。We could just take a shower right here. There's nobody but us.

我敢说,执事打算要冲老秃子下手了,嗯?I declare! so the deacon's goin' to try his hand on Old Baldy, eh?

要让景色看起来暖一点,就用手动白平衡,只要冲著蓝色的东西设定就好了。Use the custom white balance aimed at something blue to get a "warming filter."

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最后苏直言相告,要那人不要冲她这边喷吐烟雾。Finally Sue speaks up and asks the person not to blow the smoke in her direction.

绿芥末的味道非常重,比芥末酱要冲很多,所以要小心用量。Wasabi is very strong, stronger than hot mustard, so be careful with the amounts.

不要在餐馆闹情绪,更不要冲服务员发火。Be careful you don't flip a switch at that restaurant or even worse do it to your server.

马六甲海峡是世界上最危险和最重要的战略要冲之一。The Strait of Malacca is one of the worlds hottest and most crucial strategic choke points.

如果你身处困境,你的父母并没有过错,所以不要对自己的过错发牢骚,要冲中吸取教训。If you mess up, it's not your parents fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

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它已经成为东西南北交通的要冲,那个小小的村子已经蓬蓬勃勃地发展起来。It had become the crossroads of travel north and south and east and west, and the little village leaped to life.

元代真定路是京师大都的南大门,是出入大都的重要门户,因临近全国的政治中心而成为南北交通要冲。As Zhen Ding was the south gate of the capital city in Yuan Dynasty, Zhen Ding Road became the main way to Da Du.

汤阴地处中原腹地,自古就是南北交通要冲。Locating in the hinterland of the Central Plains, Tangyin has been a joint of highways, expressways and railways.

扼陕甘川之要道,自古为陇右门户、战略要冲和商贸中心。Shaanxi and Gansu outlined Chuan's hub, since ancient times for Longyou portal, strategic position and business center.

张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。Because of northwest of Beijing and in zhangjiakou, Inner Mongolia, the traffic is very dangerous, always terrain which.

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第一,梁带村位于北方世界至中原的南北交通要冲。First, Liangdaicun site locates in a very important traffic and strategic location from the northern china to central plain.

听我说,我们制服全湿着出去太冷了。我们待会儿只要冲个澡,这里又没别人。Listen, it's too cold to go outside with our uniforms all wet. We could just take a shower right here. There's nobody but us.

马林缓和了自己的态度,但是他发现自己要是让孩子在视线之外呆上一分钟,总是忍不住要冲到孩子身旁。Marlin relents, but he finds himself unable to let the child out of his sight for more than a minute without rushing to his side.