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心术不正的人权外交可能适得其反。Indeed, half-hearted human-rights diplomacy can backfire nastily.

从前有个心术不正的和尚,叫做了空。Once there was a bad monk called Liaokong. He didn't act like a monk.

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但同时,有些心术不正的人,也会利用这种心理特点It can also be something that can be exploited by some not so nice people.

当时,他感到院长认为他――文森特?洛德,有心术不正的缺点。He had sensed then that the dean believed he, Vincent Lord, was flawed by some defect of character.

徐若宣知道上原空医生心术不正,于是,他赶去大兰岛救人。Ruo Shuan knew that the doctor had no good intentions, so he went to Da Lan Island to rescue his brother.

我知道他很聪明。但是他心术不正。我害怕他会利用你的善良。I know he is brilliant. But his heart is not in the right place. I'm afraid he'll take advantage of your kindness.

虽然我们不提倡采取浪费人力物力的对簿公堂之作法,但姑息仁忍有时会给下一个心术不正者提供绝佳的参考案例。Though we do not advocate solving things in the courtroom, it is a good reference for bad character person to do such kind thing.

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不到一年,他的小店就因业绩惨淡而被迫关门。他跟心术不正的巴斯兄弟作了几笔失败的生意,结果倾家荡产。Within a year, poor sales forced him to close the store, and bad business deals with the shady Baath Brothers left him destitute.

当一些心术不正的人利用这些超自然学科蛊惑人们时,往往带来很大的损失甚至灾难。When some wicked persons utilize those paranormal theories distorted by them to bewitch people, it may bring serious results even disasters.

对于明星来说,这很危险,我很担心会有心术不正的人把这些号码拿去做其他用途。For the star, this is very dangerous, I am very worried about the possibility of human intention is not to take these numbers do it for other purposes.

如果这项技术那些心术不正的人手里,或许某一天你可能在街道遇到另外一个“你”。If cloning technology falls into the wrong hands, there could be far greater problems than coming face to face with another you on the street some day.

而我就不同了,我从不用毒去害人,就是偶尔有人用我的羽毛去做些图谋不轨的事,也只是极少数心术不正的人所为,并不关我什么事。And I hate, I never go to harm is occasionally, poisoned by my feathers to do bad things, and devise a just man did just that does not shut me anything.

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然而在历史上,很多从业人员心术不正,唯利是图,使金融市场散发着危险的诱惑The problem is that the history of finance is the history of a lot of people being exploited and treated badly, so there are temptations from the market.

有些心术不正的科学家利用他们的知似去做些违法的事情。他们利用科学创造出的武器在战争中破坏了数以千计的家庭。Some evil scientists have used their knowledge to do some illegal things. They may use science for the creation of weapons to destroy thousands of lives in wars.

虽然有这样的“非凡爱好”,泰勒-摩森还是坚持,她并非是个难以相处或者心术不正之人,她认为自己只是个“典型的青少年”。Despite her unusual habit, the 17-year-old star insists she is not a bad person or as difficult as she has been perceived, arguing she is just a typical teenager.

如果心术不正,学了风水不用讲帮人,都会害人,所以我在这劝想学风水的,先修心吧。Conscience If the scheme design is not straight, learned geomantic need not speak group, will harm in it, so I urge want to study the heart of the first water, it.

心术不正的科学家以睪固酮或其代用商品为原料,将其结构略做修改,便得到近似的活性衍生物。Rogue scientists start with testosterone or its commercially available analogues and then make minor structural modifications to yield similarly active derivatives.

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心术不正的埃利奥特,是布拉德以前的合作伙伴,当年由于品质败坏而被布拉德解雇,至今仍怀恨在心。The Eliot that harbor evil intentions, it is the partner before Bulade, rot as a result of character in those days and be fired by Bulade, still have resentment up to now.

但是,遭离弃的情人或配偶无法相信她的心上人是自由地背离他的因而他归咎于插足者心术不正或迷人有招。But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him- and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper.

但是,遭离弃的情人或配偶无法相信她的心上人是自由地背离他的——因而他归咎于插足者心术不正或迷人有招。But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him--and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper.