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我已竣事那项事变了。Im done with the work.

哦,是啊,没有甚么不顺心的事变发生在我身上。Oh, yes, not a thing to go against me.

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有件事变该当让你们知道。Theres something that you should know.

我会把所有事变白纸黑字写清楚。I'll put everything in black and white!

这就是阿拉伯事变给我们的教训之一。That’s one lesson of the Arab surprise.

我们要出去事变了,拜拜,白雪。Let's go out for our work, bye-bye, S. W.

越南发生“东京湾事变”。Gulf of Tonkin incident occurs in Vietnam.

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可是关于一个送货员来说,事变又不合了。But to a deliveryman, things are different.

议论没能让事变有个眉目。The discussions throw no light on the matter.

这真是一件发令人缺憾的事变。This is indeed a quite regrettprepared thing.

那次事变后他父亲剥夺了他的继承权。After the incident his father disinherited him.

因为九一八事变,从哪个角度来看,他都是错的。Incident, from which point of view, he is wrong.

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这就是震惊中外的九一八事变。This is the 918 incident that shocked the world.

着实抱歉这么晚还打电话打搅您,但是事变告急。Sorry to bother you this late, but it's an emergency.

我们应该分析这场事变的因果。We should analyze the cause and effect of this event.

这是什么样的老婆啊辩论那些贱视她丈夫的事变?What kind of wive says those things about her husband?

要想找到事变与生存的均衡点,起重要学会说不。Finding work life balance begins with learning to say no.

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只有在我解释之后,他才晓畅了事变的缘故。Only when I explained did he realize the reason for this.

那么东大营的官兵们在918事变后为什么会放弃抵抗?But why they give up the resistance after Mukden Incident?

大多数铁路工人投票义马市窃听器同意规复事变。The bulk of the railroad workers voted to go back to work.