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畚箕通常用于扫垃圾。A dustpan is often used to pickup rubbish.

于是,兄弟两人拿着扫帚和畚箕,到阳台上去扫阳光。Thus, the two brothers with a broom and dustpan to sweep up the sun terrace.

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等到他们把畚箕搬到房间里的时候,里面的阳光就没有了。When they moved to the dustpan when the room, which there will be no sunshine.

等到他们把畚箕搬到房间里的时候,里面的阳光就没有了。Wait until them and move the time in the room to the dustpan, inside of the sunlight had no.

于是,兄弟两人拿着扫帚和畚箕,到阳台上去扫阳光。Hence, two people of brothers take broom and dustpan, arriving veranda uping to sweep sunlight.

奋起湖原名畚箕湖,是一处已有两百多年历史的古老聚落。Fencihu formerly known dustpan Lake, is a hundred years of history have been the ancient settlement.

每个套间的设施同时也包括吸尘器,笤帚,畚箕和刷子,拖把和桶。Equipment provided within the flat also includes a vacuum cleaner, sweeping brush, dustpan and brush, mop and bucket.

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一只甲虫有时在通道里迷了路。“嘘!嘘!肮脏小脚!”小不点鼠太太当啷当啷敲打着她的畚箕说。Sometimes a beetle lost its way in the passages. "Shuh! hush! little dirty feet! " said Mrs. Tittlemouse, clattering her dust pan.

在那些神圣的沟渠里,人们会给他看被太阳晒黑的研究生们用微型锄头和畚箕处理泥土。There, in the holy trenches, he will be shown graduate students with serious sunburn working the earth with dental picks and dustpans.

每个宿舍配有也包括吸尘器,笤帚,畚箕和刷子,拖把和桶。在每个传统宿舍内有一个公共电视。Equipment provided within the Hall also includes a vacuum cleaner, sweeping brush, dustpan and brush, mop and bucket. A communal television lounge is also available in each traditional hall.